“Explain?” She pulled backto see his face. And what she found there was regret and worry andthat hope she loved so much about him.

“I’ve never had to letloose so many arrows at once,” he said. “They’re precious, formedby Hephaestus for my kind, and imbued with my father’s power. Hefeels it leave him every time one is used. He wanted anexplanation.”


Chance bent a serious lookon her, arm tightening around her. “I would never be horrified by any part ofyou. You were…”

She held her breath waitingfor she didn’t know what.

“Amazing.You are amazing.”

His deep rumbled assurance unleashed arelief so deep tears sprang to her eyes. She didn’t care. “I fellin love with you and I was so scared you didn’t feel—”

“Whoa.” Hands at hershoulders pulled her away and he stared at her tears first withshock, then a growing wonder. “You mean it?”

Elodie sniffed. “That I love you?”

He nodded slowly.

“I was just coming to findyou to tell you and hope maybe—” For the first time in her entirelife, Elodie turned shy. Tongue-tied even.

“Maybe I love you too?” Hesmoothed the tears from her cheeks, but his smile was what healedthe last wound in her heart. “I do. I have for a longtime.”

He let her go and, with agesture of his hands and a sparkling of gold, was suddenly holdingthe red leatherbound book. He flipped to the last page and showedher…”

No pictures. Just their names entwined. “Iwanted our story to be in here,” he said.

Gods. He really had lovedher all this time? She traced the letters which were red for hisname and gold for hers. Gold, like the glitter of his magic. Didthe think of her as magical, because she definitely thought of himthat way.

“It’s why my arrow workedon us.”

She blinked and lifted hergaze from the book. “Worked?”

Chance’s grin was maybe themost beautiful thing she’d ever seen. “My arrows don’t forcefeelings that aren’t already there. They only enhance what is. It’snot a deception—it’s more like getting inhibitions out of theway.”

“Like fast-forwarding tothe good part,” she whispered.


Her lungs tightened, butthe sensation was a sort of giddy happiness, and she smiled. “So isthis the good part?”

Disappearing the book inanother glitter of gold, he pulled her close again and kissed herlips in a slow, deliberate claiming. Both sweet and possessive.“This is the beginning of the good part for us,” he murmuredagainst her.

Elodie sank into him, even as she battled afew of her remaining worries. “I’m still a siren. I have tofeed.”

“I know. We’ll figure itout.”

She believed him. What’smore…she trusted him and the risk. If things did end down the road,even this small moment of happiness now was worth it. Just to feelthe way she did in his arms. Even if it didn’t last. But she sureas hells hoped it lasted.

“So you were coming to getme?” he asked.

She nodded. “I was going totake you on a Valentine’s date.”

He grinned. “Really? What kind of date?”

“Anything youwant.”

The twinkle in his eyes turned mischievous.“Anything?”