Had chosenhim.

He placed a kiss to thehollow behind her ear and smiled when she hummed her approval, butwhen he lifted his head to aim that smile at her, hefroze.

Silent tears trickled downher cheeks.

Chance had never once feltpanic that he’d hurt a partner. He considered himself a sensitivelover, doing his best to be attuned to her reactions andneeds.

For that reason everythinginside him turned sluggish. How was he supposed to respond? Ask herwhat was wrong? Give her space?

Before he could land on ananswer, she smiled, and combined with the tears, the expression waslike watching the first rays of sunlight hit frost on a field.Pristine and heavenly and quietly perfect.

“I didn’t know it could bethat way,” she whispered.

She’d managed to crack hisheart wide open. All these centuries and she didn’t know? Had sheonly seen the worst of relationships, of people, only known theseedy or the violent?

Chance brushed her tearsaway with his fingertips, then gave her a soft kiss. “That’s how itwould always be between you and me.”

Chapter 15

Elodie couldn’t remember atime when she’d ever woken so completely contented. Chance was withher, his arm wrapped around her stomach, holding her against him.And she was…

The feelings were real.

Maybe the arrow’s magicdidn’t force unnatural, unlikely, or even unwanted feelings onsomeone. It was that it amplified whatever feelings were there. Forher, starting with a strong chemistry, but eventually working itsway down to the heart she’d thought was frozen long ago.

Because the power ofChance’s arrow had been broken, and nothing had changed for her.She still wanted him. More than that, she cherished him.

Chance Eroson was a good,strong, kind man who believed in love, gave humanity a little morecredit than they deserved, and filled her with the kind of hopeshe’d felt only as a young siren. Before what she witnessedregularly knocked it out of her.

And all of that only madeher want to love him harder.

Love him.

I love him.

She didn’t bother askingherself when that had happened. She had a feeling it had startedlong before that golden arrow had shot through her.

But if she loved him, sheowed it to him to show him exactly who she was. Including themonster. He had a right to know, to have all the factsbefore…


A massive boom reverberatedaround the cabin, shaking the bed.

What in the seven hells?She scooped the sheet around her and ran to a window to find notonly Cretan standing in the field, but he’d brought friends. Tenminotaurs altogether, already shifted into their half bull-half manforms.

Chance was at her side almost as fast,already pulling on his pants.

Elodie spun and raced forher clothes, dressing in record time, but he beat her to the doorjust the same. “Stay here and call Delilah. I’ll keep thembusy.”

She put her hand over hison the doorknob, keeping him from opening it. “You know I have abetter chance of fending them off.”

He shook his head, visiblyreluctant to send her into danger—a siren was a monster, butagainst ten minotaurs even she would be tested.

Elodie softened. “I love that you want tokeep me safe.”

His jaw worked under hertouch and he closed his eyes. “Go.” He jerked the door open forher.

“Whatever you do, don’tlisten,” she warned him.