No way was he stoppingthis. He wanted her. But even more, he wanted to give her thechance to initiate something between them when she wasn’t beinginfluenced by his arrow’s magic. Wanting, real wanting, had to beinvolved, but he needed her to know that.

He grunted when she got toa spot on his side just over his lowest ribs.

A low, sexy-as-fuck chucklehit him with another jolt to the heart. “Ticklish?” she asked in avoice gone husky and full of temptation and…tentativeness, as ifshe wasn’t sure of his reaction. Which got his attention. His sirenwas never tentative.

“Nope,” hedenied.

Those wicked fingers movedunerringly to the spot, and no matter how he tried not to move orreact, she still managed to make him twitch as she tickled. “Aflaw,” she teased. “Finally.”

He huffed a laugh thatturned into a strangled growl as she undid the button and zip ofhis jeans and slipped that questing hand underneath to wrap itaround his already hard cock.

“You want a guy withflaws?” he asked. Though the last word came out on a groan as shetightened her grip.

“There’s such a thing astoo perfect,” she whispered, then pumped her hand.

Chance groaned. “I’m notperfect.”

“Good.” She adjusted theway she was laid against him, looking him in the eyes as she slowlyworked her hand up and down his throbbing shaft. “I’m noteither.”

Then she claimed his lipsin a slow, drugging kiss.

No powers compelled eitherof them. Not his. Not hers. This was just them. Together. He justwanted her, and that’s what she was giving him now.

Chance turned into her andswept a hand slowly up her side, testing her curves, memorizingher. Breathing her in.

“Chance?” she whisperedagainst his mouth.

He gazed into her doe brown eyes.“What?”

“Will you make love tome?”

He almost smiled, becausethat’s exactly what they were doing, but she was serious. What wasshe asking?

She let go of him andcupped his face with both hands. “Not just fucking. Making love.”She hesitated. “I don’t know what that feels like.”

Holy hells.

“It feels exactly likethis, Ellie.” He feathered his lips along the line of herjaw.

He willed her to feel hislove for her in every touch, every sweep of his hand, every glance.Slowly, holding his own raging desire in check, he kissed her andtouched her, undressed them both. He worshiped every inch of herand adored the way she responded and the way she followed his lead,doing the same to him.

She was a dance ofcontradictions—soft touches, almost tentative, as if she waslearning to love this way for the first time. But then she let goon a soft sigh, and her boldness became something between the sirenhe’d been treated to and the woman she hid from theworld.

He didn’t know what had released that woman,but damned if he was going to ask.

Rolling Elodie to her back,Chance settled between her thighs, positioning himself. But hedidn’t enter her right away. Instead, he twined their handstogether, drawing her arms up above her head.

She looked back at him, gaze dreamy andtotally open. It was almost his undoing, because his body demandedhe claim her. Hard.

Instead, he took his time,working into her in slow glides, teasing her, stretching out theanticipation and enjoyment for them both, and never lookingaway.

Because he wanted her to see him. To knowthis meant something to him.

Gradually he increased thepace, Elodie undulating with him, canting her hips. Every gasp,every moan from her lips went straight to his heart. Whencompletion came over her, it came softly at first, with a beautifulkind of wonder in her eyes as wave after wave of pleasure crestedthrough her, drawing him into his own explosive orgasm.

He didn’t slow until they’dboth wrung every ounce of pleasure from their bodies, thencollapsed over her, burying his head in her neck, breathing her in,reveling in the sensation of being connected to her sointimately.

And entirely because she’d chosen it. Noarrow involved.