Without thinking she gasped and straightenedin her seat, jerking back at the same time.

She knocked right intoChance as he loosed his arrow. Instead of going through three-piecesuit and toward banana yellow shirt, it went up, hit the mirroredceiling, and ricocheted backward right at Elodie.

The moment seemed to movein slow motion, and yet too fast for her to react. The glitteringarrow pierced right through her chest, but no pain bloomed with it.Instead the sensation was like warmth and happiness and a bolt ofpleasure directly to every erogenous zone, all in one.

A grunt sounded behind herjust as she spun. “I’m sorry. I—”

The arrow lodged inChance’s abdomen suddenly disappeared in a fall of gold glitter.Her gaze connected with the god of love, and in that instant, sheknew. She knew he was the one. She knew she’d found her match.Someone who could walk beside her in life who would be hereverything and she would be his. At the same time, she also knewshe wanted to hike up the skirt of her dress, unzip his pants andstraddle the man. Right here. Right now.

Chance stared right back ather, his face etched with a thousand different emotions.

“What just happened?” shemanaged to ask through stiff lips. She already knew. Gods above,she knew. She was just hoping he might tell her she was wrong. Buthe didn’t.

They’d just been shot with his lovearrow.

She knew how they worked,had even seen it first-hand a time or two. Those golden arrows weredesigned to pass through the first person struck so it could lodgein the second person, until their connection solidified when theylocked eyes for the first time. Even if it was days or weekslater.

An irresistible, undeniableconnection.

Which meant she and Chance were screwed.

Chapter 2

“Fuck,” Chancemuttered.

He curled his hands aroundthe back of Elodie’s seat, doing his damnedest not to reach forher. Not to claim those agonizingly perfect lips for his. Not to doa hell of a lot more than that.

“Tell me your arrows don’twork on our kind,” she said. Practically begged. The strain aroundher mouth told him she was just wishing out loud.

He didn’t know why shebothered. Hells he could smell her arousal. Honeysuckle and thesweet musk of a turned-on woman.

“I’m afraid they do,lover.”

How she managed to widenand narrow her eyes at the same time, he had no idea, but itwas…adorable.

A word he’d alwaysassociated with this woman.

Which was ridiculous.Sirens were born and designed to lure men. They oozed sex. Elodiemore than most, in his opinion. White-blond hair tumbling over hershoulders and down her back. Deep brown eyes that offset her hair,giving her a mysterious air. That smart mouth of hers that came upwith zingers that made him want to laugh. A mind he knew was hiddenunder the looks. And lips that should be wrapped around…

Damn it.

The thing was…she was morethan her thirst trap outer shell. Even if she didn’t want others tosee that, hiding behind her seductress persona. Surprisingly caringfor an ancient monster. She was the only siren he’d ever known todeliberately target men who were just plain evil. A lesson he’dlearned the hard way the first time they’d met. He’d wanted tomatch one of her targets with a woman who would soften him. ButElodie had fought him tooth and nail.

Not his finest moment.

That’s when he’d firstlearned that his instincts about pairs weren’t entirely infallible.But he’d added more research to how he selected couples since then.Did a lot more mind reading.

“So…” Elodie licked herlips, leaning closer, pupils dilated. “What happensnow?”

Excellent question.

Given how hard he’d alreadybeen before the damn arrow struck, thanks to just whispering in herear—a stupid move even at that moment—he was in trouble now.Except…except she was clearly struggling with the same reaction.And that was only possible if…

He trailed a finger downthe side of her cheek, skin petal soft against his touch. Sheclosed her eyes, leaning into him.

“You want me,” he murmured,while trying not to show the awe that realization shot throughhim.

He’d thought he was alone in thewanting.