The instant she opened hereyes and met his gaze, she came. Hard.

Holding her gaze, Chancepounded into her, relentless, ruthless, and gods above, thepossessiveness he was letting her see. She hated controlling men,but this was…different.

To her shock, anothertingling warning took up at the base of her spine. Her only hintbefore another orgasm ripped through her.

“Fuck,” Chance muttered ina strangled voice. Then, on a shout, he followed her over intobliss. Even so, he didn’t stop fucking her until they both turnedlimp. Flipping them around, so that his back was to the wall,Chance slid down until he sat on the floor, her straddling him, hiscock still buried inside her.

“The things you do tome.”

“Well…I am asiren.”

He tensed around her, thentook her face in his hands, forcing her to look at him as he shookhis head. “No. You’re you.”

She dropped her gaze,unable to handle the look in his eyes. The one that told her hemeant that. “I thought I said no feelings,” shewhispered.

“Sorry,” he whispered back.Disappointment surged despite her best intentions. Only then heburied a hand in her hair, massaging the nape of her neck, the moveboth comforting and possessive as hell. “But I never was one forrules.”

Despite the happiness thatburied that disappointment, or maybe because of it, she had no ideahow to answer that. “Um…I guess I’d better finish ourbreakfast.”

After a telling pause, hechuckled. “We keep getting interrupted when we try toeat.”

“Yeah.” She sat upstraight, glancing around for something to help them clean up.“Next time, we should make the food part of the sex, so we getboth.”

His cock twitched insideher, thickening.

She widened her eyes at him, lips drawingup. “Already?”

Chance shrugged. “Don’ttalk about food and sex, because now I’m picturing what I could dowith that.”

Teasing, Elodie rolled hereyes. “Isn’t that just like a man—” She cut off as the smell ofsmoke penetrated.


But she’d turned off the burner.

He must’ve smelled it too,because Chance levered them both up off the floor. “Something’sburning.”

Since he’d only lowered hisjeans to fuck her, he just tugged them back up to check. She washalfway through getting herself dressed again—at this rate sheshould probably give up and just spend her time here naked—when shecaught his frowning search.

“What is it?”

“There’s nothing herethat’s smoking.”

She was right…shehad turned off thestovetop.

“Did you leave your curlingiron on in the bathroom?” he asked.

Elodie shook her head, evenas part of her wanted to pause for a second and have a littlemoment where she could pretend they really were lovers, and not thetemporary kind. The kind who lived in each other’s pockets to suchan extent that he would know she had a habit of forgetting tounplug her curling iron. “I haven’t used it today.”

“Then it’s coming fromsomewhere else.”

He stalked away, around thecorner into the foyer. “Shit,” she heard him mutter, and hurriedafter only to find smoke coming in under their front door incurling whisps.

Hand against the door,Chance turned a grim face her way. “It’s already too hot to get tothe stairs.”

“I could call Delilah. Sheteleports.”

He shook his head. “I have a way out.”