She glanced toward thebedroom where a sleeping god lay and did a mental revision.Most gods weren’tpredictable. Some were better than others.

A flash of memories—all from lastnight—crept over her along with an unsettling knowledge that shedidn’t want it to end.

Her stomach rumbled,though. It really sucked having both human and supernaturalappetites, neither of which sated the other. However, she’d learnedthe hard way, ages ago, that she couldn’t hunt on an empty stomach.Human hunger, or any kind of nagging discomfort really, made hermonster harder to control.

So food first.

She set her phone tocharging and moved into the kitchen, peeking through his cabinets.Chance really didn’t cook for himself much, did he? Much likeherself, actually. The fridge and cupboards were practically bare.At least he had some eggs—she checked the date—which were about toexpire. Not enough for an omelet though.

“Pancakes itis.”

Pulling her hair into amessy bun, she got to work, humming to herself as she moved aboutthe kitchen. She was at the stovetop, her back to the room,watching the first batch of pancakes cook on the griddle when asolid arm stole around her belly, pulling her up against a baremale chest. Disappointment that she hadn’t gotten out of here fastenough warred with the need to lean back into him.

Chance drew his other handup her yoga-pant covered thigh to her hip. He was still warm fromsleep and smelled like pure male and sex.

“If you make me burn thesepancakes, we’ll have nothing to eat.” She belied her words byleaning into him though.

Gods she was weak.

Nuzzling the side of herneck, he hummed an unconcerned sound, and the hand at her hip creptup to the waist band of her pants.

Her body wasscreaming hell yes, but her heart pounded at the thought of unleashing hermonster on him, so swatted at the hand. “I mean it.”

Chance chuckled, the soundmore devil than angel. Why had she thought him sweet again? “I’mpretty sure we proved yesterday that I can make you come whileyou’re…otherwise occupied in the kitchen.”

With no more protest fromher, those wicked fingers found their way further south, under theband of her panties, and she gasped when he brushed against thatbundle of nerves that throbbed in the wake of his touch.

Maybe she could feed boththese hungers before going out and feeding her siren side. Themonster in her gave a low hum of agreement. Was it worth therisk?

If the mist appeared, she’d run.

Deliberately, she reachedout and flipped a pancake. Then another. Matching his actions tohers, Chance rubbed and flicked her clit in time with each flip ofa pancake. She was never going to look at pancakes the same wayagain. Just like tea. Too bad she couldn’t just keep flipping andflipping and flipping until…

He slid a finger lower, upand into her, using his thumb to press at the spot he’d just beenflicking. Eyes on the griddle, Elodie canted her hips to the rhythmof his pumping, already close to the edge. When he added twofingers, she moaned, trying to hold back the sensations that wantedto tumble loose.

He stopped his fingers and she moaned again.“Don’t—”

“The pancakes are going toburn, love,” he teased at her ear. “Better do something aboutthat.”

Oh, she was going to dosomething all right. She flipped those pancakes to a platteralready sitting on the counter and turned off the heat.

“Who gave you permission tostop—”

He cut himself off as she twirled out of hisarms, then, backing up as she kept her eyes on his, quicklydiscarded all of her clothes.

“Fuck me, Elodie,” hemuttered. And raised the hand he’d been using on her to suck hisfingers while she watched.

Damned if that didn’t senda new flash of heat through her, but Elodie wasn’t a siren fornothing.

She hitched herself up ontohis kitchen table and spread her legs wide, feet propped on twochairs that screeched a protest as she shoved them where sheneeded. Then, mimicking his actions, she sucked her own fingers andlowered them to touch herself.

Smiling as herhappy-go-lucky cupid’s expression changed to near feral, she put ona show. She worked her own body, watching him while he watchedher.

And she was into it, heartand soul.

When he pulled his cock outof his pants, squeezing and flogging it violently, she almost cameright then. Tossing her head back, she closed her eyes and imaginedwhat he was seeing as she brought herself closer to that precipice.Hair wild, mouth open, moaning and writhing.

What she didn’t picture washim scooping her right off the table to pin her against the walland impale her on his cock in a single thrust, gravity helping himslide deep.