Page 82 of Wild Ride


“And we should keep it under wraps because I’m supposed to give you that reference. It wouldn’t look good if it came out that we were, y’know.”

“Whatever you want.” And because he didn’t like the implication of that—unserious, immature, fun-time Dexter—he kissed her again.

“I thought this was supposed to be relaxing.” Her eyes were glassy.

“I can make it relaxing.” He picked her up and brought her to the couch. “I can relax you so much you’ll never want to leave.”


Dex was nervous, which was completely absurd.

These were his guys, his bros, his team. But it was the first time he’d been invited to Levi Hunt’s place for poker night, and he wanted to make a good impression. When you spent most of your time making a bad one, this seemed especially important.

The door was opened by Jordan Hunt, Levi’s wife, who was also a reporter with the Chicago Sports Network. Her red hair was in a ponytail, and judging by her outfit, it looked like she’d just come back from the gym.

“Hey, Dex!”

“Hey, Jordan. How’s it going?”

“Good. Come on in.” She gestured for him to enter. “I wondered when you might show up to one of these.”

“Been waiting on the invite.”

“Well, when Banks takes you for all your worth, you might regret that. Guy’s a total shark, or so I hear.” She took his jacket and hung it on a hook. “Listen, I was hoping for a word. I know you have your court case coming up and I’m guessing you were advised not to talk to the press.”

“Ordered, more like.”

Her smile was sympathetic. “Got it. But if you want to do an interview afterward, tell your side of the story, I’d love to be the one who gets that.”

He’d always found Jordan to be a straight shooter, surprising considering she was a member of the sports media. But the last time he sat down for her hockey podcast, he shot his mouth off in a way that got him iced out by his teammates.

“I’m not sure I should talk about it. I’m trying to be more discreet these days, stay out of the headlines.”

Not just to keep his spot on the team. Keeping his private life private would improve his chances with Ashley. He wanted to protect her and this growing connection between them.

“Okay, if you change your mind.”

“O’Malley!” Levi Hunt emerged from what must have been the kitchen. “Finally.” As if Dex had been holding out when he didn’t even know this weekly meet-up existed.

“I brought beer.” He held up a six-pack, then mentally kicked himself for not bringing a case.

“Sure, tote that bad boy in here.” Levi smiled at his wife and pulled her in for a kiss. It lasted a little too long, so Dex had to turn away. Fucking married people. “We’ve got him, J.”

“Okay, be nice. I’ve got a podcast to edit.”

He followed Hunt into the kitchen where he found a counter piled high with cans of beer.

“Looks like we’re in good shape.”

Hunt opened the fridge which was packed to capacity with even more bottles and cans. “Yes, we are. Just leave that there. You nervous?”

“Why would I be?”

“No reason. You just seem a bit on edge.”

He wanted to be liked. After eighteen months on this team, he wanted the guys to see more than just the party guy. Let them see the real you.