Page 139 of Wild Ride

“Hey, Mom!”

“Hey, honey, I didn’t know you were here. How were things with your dad?”

Willa smiled. “Emily spat up all over him and he freaked out. It was kind of funny.”

“I bet. You ready to go? We could hit DQ on the way home.”

“Could we walk Bandit first?”

“Toby already took him out earlier.” Tomorrow she would sort through the multiple applications to adopt him. She’d held back on placing him, hoping that Dex might come up with a solution. But it wasn’t fair on Bandit. He needed a happy home.

Willa pointed above his cage. “But his sign says he likes walks. Plural.”

His sign? Ashley peered at the label, which was different than the one she’d placed a few weeks ago.


Likes: Walks

Dislikes: How his heart hurts like a mother

“Did you make that?”

Willa gave her a look. “Mom, I don’t have time to make signs. I’m very busy.”

“Yeah, I suppose you are. Grab a leash from the hook. Let’s take this little guy for a spin.”

After hooking Bandit up, they headed toward the play area but on the way, Ashley was distracted by the signs she had definitely not made above some of the cages.


Likes: Belly rubs

Dislikes: That feeling you get when you know you’ve been a jerk but you’re not sure how to fix it.

Ashley’s pulse went tat-a-tat-tat.

Over Jenny the bulldog’s cage was another new one.

Likes: Dog biscuits shaped like bones.

Dislikes: The fact time travel has yet to be invented because it would sure come in handy right about now.

Bandit pulled on his leash. “Okay, okay, I’m coming.”

Out in the play area, Ashley released the dog and watched as he scooted off toward a bush to investigate.

Willa adjusted her glasses. “Do you think we’re going to see Dex again?”

Blinking back the emotion that question raised, Ashley faced her daughter. “Probably not. He was just hanging out for a short stint as a volunteer. Sometimes people pass through our lives and don’t become permanent fixtures.”

Willa considered that for a second, then touched the butterfly hair clip Dex had given her. “But he loved you, Mom.”

She laughed, though it emerged as more of a bark that made Bandit lift his head. “Where did you get that idea?”

“The way he looked at you. We were supposed to be spotting butterflies, but he was spotting you. Because you’re prettier than any butterfly.”

“That’s sweet of you to say. You’re such a lovely, kind person.” She put her arm around Willa’s shoulders. It was the best way to stop from trembling. “I hope we see him again, but we can always watch his games.”