Page 84 of Wild Ride

“Let’s just say he and I have never been close. And he was rude to his girlfriend. Borderline abusive, in fact.”

“Guy’s always had a big mouth,” Gunnar said. “Remember that time he got into it with Sorenson at the Chucks-Pitt game? So-So had to be restrained from whacking him into the stands.”

“If anyone deserves to be thumped, it’s Hughes, that’s for sure.” Foreman lay down his hand, three tens. “Here we go, gentlemen. Beat that.”

Of course Banks had the goods, which made everyone groan. The guy was a fucking poker-playing machine.

Kershaw took a swig of his beer. “One good thing came out of O’Malley’s flirtation with the law, though.”

Dex looked up and met the D-man’s grin. “Enlighten me.”

“You’re playing like a dream. Which I’m putting down to either your sheer desperation not to get thrown off this team or the fact you want to impress a chick.”

“She’s his good luck charm.” Foreman pointed at him. “Do not mess with that, Dexter.”

He wasn’t planning to. But it wouldn’t hurt to get some advice.

“I like her.” It was a tentative opening—or at least he’d thought so until he felt seven sets of eyes on him and the weird feeling that time had come to a standstill.

“Yeah, ya do,” Kershaw said.

“So why so sad?” Jorgenson asked. “Because of the turkey-fennel lasagna?”

For fuck’s sake. “I already said it was awesome. I’m just not used to hanging with someone so … authentic. She’s got this life that’s very different from what I do. What we do.”

“Worried she’ll cramp your style at the club?” Reid gave him a dead-eyed glare which Dex was happy to return.

“No. I’m more concerned she’ll think I’m not worth her time. That I’m not serious enough for her. After all, we just play hockey.”

“Just play hockey?!” Kershaw exploded. “We are gods!” He beat his chest for good measure which drew chuckles at his absurdity.

She’d also made a semi-decent point about keeping it under the radar because of the court case. At least, that was her reasoning, but maybe she preferred no one knew because she was embarrassed. He probably shouldn’t be talking about it to the guys, but he couldn’t keep it to himself.

Foreman put his hand face down. “Sounds like you’ve got the old self-doubt monster knocking at your door. So you like this girl.”


That yielded a smirk from the Mouthy Southie. “Gotcha. You think she’s got all this life experience while you’ve been pissing about with your dick out on the dance floor. That you’re not on the same page or even reading the same book. But all that’s behind you, right?”

He nodded, because it seemed important that not only Ashley know that he had changed but the guys know, too.

Foreman held his gaze. “Then who cares what you were like a year ago? Or even a month ago.”

Kershaw chuckled. “Knew you had it bad for her. And her kid. And her lasagna.”

Banks cleared his throat loudly. “Are we playing cards or does O’Malley need anyone else to weigh in on his woman problems?”

“At least he has a woman,” Reid said, which had everyone laughing except Banks who scowled, then proceeded to take them for another cool grand.



Likes: Her sisters, her niece, men who follow orders in bed

Dislikes: Her ex-husband and that bitch he’s now remarried to.

“Where did you go, Ashley Adams?”