Page 61 of Wild Ride

Crisis averted.

Vera walked in, looking like Elvira before she’d taken a bite from someone. “You’re not wearing that, are you?”

Ashley dipped her gaze to her turtleneck and sleeveless puffy jacket. Her jeans were a little tight and gave her ass more love than it deserved, but otherwise she thought she looked good. Appropriate.

“What’s wrong?”

“I know your vaj has dried up but it won’t be getting any lubrication in that outfit.”

“I’m a mom. And I’m dressing like one to escort my daughter to a hockey game where it will be cold.”

Vera yanked open the closet and started ransacking the rails. “Here.”

“I can’t wear that.” She’d worn that bustier for Halloween three years ago when she was on a Wonder Woman kick and thought accentuating her curves was a good thing. Pre-divorce. “This is a hockey game.”

“And have you seen what some of those bunnies wear? They’re letting it all hang out in a bid to get a hockey player husband.”

“Not looking for a hockey player husband.”

Vera pulled out a silk pink blouse that Ashley had forgotten about. “Okay, so this is more your speed. A little low-cut, let the girls get some air, and remind people that you are not quite dead below the waist.”

“That’s off the shoulder, I’ll be freezing in that. And I’m not going to even see Dex. He’s working, remember?”

Though he had promised a locker room visit, which was awfully sweet of him. Willa was going to love that. And Ashley would not be showing up with her tits—or shoulders—flapping in the wind.

She pulled out a dark red peplum top with a looser drape to it, which should cover her stomach nicely. Not that anyone would be looking, but better not to worry about it.

“So how’s this?”

Vera looked at her fondly. “Cuter.”

She couldn’t even get a “sexy” from her sister? Oh, well.

She checked her phone. It was just past six. “We’d better get going.”

“Oh, you’ve plenty of time.” Vera’s phone pinged. “Or not.”

“What does that mean?”

“Mom!” Willa’s voice carried loudly from downstairs. “Come quick!”

“What now?” Ashley walked past her sister out to the top of the stairs. “Where’s the fire?”

“Soon to be in your panties,” her sister muttered behind her.

“Don’t say that word. I hate that word.”

“Mom, there’s a limo outside.”

Ashley headed down the steps quickly. “No, there’s not. And if there is that couldn’t be …” She trailed off because Vera was smirking at her.

Maeve came out of the kitchen. “What’s going on?”

“There’s a limo to take us to the hockey game!” Willa was jumping up and down, all thoughts of her second-choice scarf forgotten.

“We don’t know that’s for us.” She slid a glance at Vera who looked even more smug than usual. “Vera?”

Her sister held up her phone, displaying a text thread. “I have it on good authority that it’s your ride.”