We hear footsteps coming around the outside and then Ana and one of her friends are in the doorframe. Turning my head away from Jules is as hard as swimming through molasses.

“Hey Ana. Ready to head out?” I ask.

She looks over. Her eyes ping pong between Jules and me, then she smiles broadly.

“Can I get the keys, dad? I’m going to check out and then I’ll meet you in the car.” With a tiny wave, the girls are gone in a fit of giggles.

“You were saying?” I ask.

Her soft eyes are now alert. She looks up as if she’s recalculating what she was going to ask a minute ago. “Umm. Could you volunteer tomorrow, too?”

“If it helps you, consider it done.”

“That’d be great.”

“I’ve got work on my ranch in the mornings, but I can be here in the afternoon,” he says.

“That’s perfect.”

I thought we were heading towards a flirtier path. Possibly some time for just her and me. The only thing that changed in that moment was my daughter coming in. Was that a dealbreaker for her? She seemed fine talking about her earlier. I’m not sure. The only thing I’m sure of is that before my daughter came in Jules was not going to ask me to volunteer.

I can’t leave like this. We were building up momentum, and I try to seize some of it before it slips away completely.

“I have to bring Ana and her friend to their sleepover, but can I come back and drive you home?”

“I only live two blocks away.”

It’s a no without the blunt edge of a short rejection. The end to my hopes of more with her. I must have been imagining the flirting, and everything else. Why would she be interested in a single dad like me?

Before I can run out with my tail between my legs, she adds, “But I’d love the company. I get off at five.”

I’m so excited. I’ve waited a long week to see Jules again, but the next few hours can’t pass quickly enough.

Chapter Five


Before my shift is up, I see Adriel come in and takes a seat facing away from me at an open table. He pulls out a book and begins to read.

I appreciate that he can show me he’s here but not put any pressure on me to hurry up and go. Most of my life feels timed out, and running from one thing to another, so his easy patience is a nice change in pace.

Sydney nudges me to switch places with me for the growing line.

“Your carriage awaits,” she says.

I snort. “You’re ridiculous.”

“Well, he is here for you, isn’t he?” She says to me, then rotates my chair to exit while she steps in at the circulation desk. “I can help who’s next.”

I grab my bag from below the desk and give her a hug from behind. “Thank you.”

“Tell me all the details tomorrow.”

Having everything I need, I walk over to Adriel, and notice his foot tapping the moment I’m behind him.

Maybe he’s as impatient as me.

Laying my hand on his shoulder, he looks back towards me, and I’m greeted by a dimpled smile as inviting as a sunset.