I wonder what happened there.

“You’re lucky you have your sister. You two are so close and she tries to take care of you. You two have a nice balance. You might be more introverted, but Justine has an extroverted energy that brings out another side of you.”

“What’s it like with you and your other brothers?”

“We’re all introverted.” He seems to laugh without any warmth. “Somehow we all take after my dad and have a head down and get on with it, kind of isolated energy.”

“Hmm. I don’t feel that at all with you.”

“You don’t?”

“No. I wouldn’t describe you that way at all. You welcomed my sister’s antics long before I did when she showed up at my door, and you’re always lighthearted with Ana. I never see you without a big smile on your face when you’re with her at the library. Then of course, there’s how you are with me.” I point at the cat ears atop his head.

“I guess I have changed a bit since having Ana.”

“There’s always room for you to move towards who you want to be. If you want to get closer with your brothers, there’s room for that too. I never would have thought to be at this con, but here we are having the best time.”

He nods slowly to himself.

More people join the line behind us, and it seems like we’ve made company.

“Adriel and Jules,” exclaims a familiar voice. “Of course, you’re here, too.”

Viv, Jackson, and his young daughter, Lola, join us.

“Nice ears uncle Adriel,” Lola says with a jump to touch them.

“Thanks squirt,” he says kneeling down for her to give them a good rub.

“I never thought I’d see you here Adriel,” Jackson says.

“We’re a cat family now,” Adriel says with a grin to me.

My cheeks are on fire with how much I’m blushing. He includes me in his life so easily.

“Where’s Ana?” Lola asks.

“She’s at home today. We’re on a date,” he says to Lola.

Conspiratorially, she winks at him. “Then you should take her to get paw shaped cotton candy after this. You should have something sweet on a date.”

“Sounds like a plan. Thanks.” Adriel gives her a wink back and stands up to rejoin us.

“A date, eh? I can’t wait to hear more on Monday,” Viv says to me. “He must be serious if he’s got anything other than a cowboy hat on.”

They point out several special exhibitors in the other rooms, and make sure to highlight some famous meme cats that are here. Adriel takes out an already highly marked up printed map he prepped, and I feel so taken care of as they plot out our best route through the con.

As Adriel continues to go over details with Viv, Jackson comes next to me and says, “I haven’t seen Adriel look this happy in a long time. He’s lucky to meet you.”

“He’s planned this whole date that’s clearly out of his wheelhouse and has helped me feel seen for the first time in a long time. I don’t doubt for a second that I’m the lucky one here.”

Looking at Adriel and Viv, Jackson continues to talk to me. “Sounds like you two are both lucky then. We have a group of friends that grew up together. The two of us and, Kenji, Luke, and Brandon all live in town, but we rarely get to see this goofy side to him. He had to grow up quickly.

When Ana’s mom left them, he really went into his shell. Made a safe bubble around him and Ana. He never asked us for help. Only after I had Lola a few months later did I realize he probably needed us the most when he pushed us away. I bought a double stroller one day and came by in the morning saying I’d like to walk the girls around while he slept. He fought me about it for an hour, but then he let me take the girls around their ranch. I went back after the hour so he wouldn’t be worried, but that guy slept for three more.

After that, I had the guys come by on a daily rotation to check on him and Ana. He’d never have asked us for it. This is all to say that his M.O. is to turn inwards. Just know that that’s when he’ll probably need you more than ever.”

Jackson has given me a gift. Shared a part of their friendship that is probably still tender to think of. “Thank you for sharing that. I’m taking everything you said to heart. Sounds like he’s lucky to have you too.”