Sometimes you must learn to just let go. Playing it safe isn’t always what’s best. I’ve been playing it safe for years and it’s time to finally let go. No more putting others first so I can place last. It’s time for a new year, new me.

I know I’m attractive. I stand at a decent height; not too tall. I’m not super thin, but in my opinion, I carry myself well. I have worked hard to get the body I’m happy to live in. The problem is, whenever I meet someone, I just don’t feel a connection.

Some people think that’s why I write. Because I can live out my fantasies with my words. I disagree. I think that if I find the right someone, then I’ll be able to find that happy balance in my life.

I’m currently sitting here on my sofa, laptop on my lap and staring at the screen trying to figure out how to start my next story. I must give it to my friends and amazing readers who’ve helped me see the signs of my last relationship. Apparently, when you’re in a negative relationship, you tend to write in a bad mindset.

Now that I’m happily divorced, six months to be exact, I’m finally feeling the urge to put words to paper. During my journey, I’ve met some amazing human beings. Most of which helps me want to continue to move forward and try to be a better human being myself.

Sherry, my personal assistant, comes in with her full body pajamas and a huge bowl of popcorn. I close my laptop and situate myself better on the sofa. We’re dedicating our evening to whatever love story she’s choosing for our entertainment pleasures.

“Have you thought about the retreat yet?” She hands me the bowl so she can get comfy on the couch. When we’re both tucked under an oversized blanket, she presses play on the remote. The first preview starts.

“Not really.” I shrug. “Do you think I really need it?”

“Does the sun need to rise in the morning?” she asks teasingly.

“Not if you like living in the dark.” I shove her shoulder. We end up in a fit of giggles while the previews run.

She showed me a group on social media for a writer’s retreat. She actually submitted an application on my behalf without me knowing. In the group is a good number of some outstanding fellow authors. Some, I have met in person. And some, I have yet to meet personally. Needless to say, within hours of her submission, I got an invite. And because she has access to my author account, she knew about the invite and hasn’t stopped bugging me since. Last week, I promised her that I would think about it. She did promise me she would go with me. I just have to figure out if I want to go.

“You’re not going to regret this!” Sherry squeals with excitement for the tenth time in about an hour. We’re at our gate in the airport and now waiting to board. We’ve had a few drinks, ran into a few fellow author friends and she scored a few phone numbers from some good-looking gentlemen.

“You say that now.” I try my best to sound like I’m teasing, but she knows better to know I’m not.

“Seriously, Callie, I don’t know why you’re so negative.”

“I’m not negative, Sherry. I’m a realist. I think this “retreat” is to help you find a man and to help us both with our tans.”

“Look at you. Being all positive and shit.” She shoves my shoulder. We both laugh and try to work on our positivity lists.

The overhead speaker goes off and it’s time for us to board the plane. Gathering our bags, we make our way to the boarding lines. My last book has left me financially stable; inheriting a pretty penny from my cheating ex-husband helped pad my checking as well. Not that I wanted his money at all. The courts, however, agreed disagreed with him and thought I should have half of his assets. So, in theory, this trip is on him. We’ve decided to splurge and now, we are headed to first class.

“Oh, my goodness.” Sherry looks back at the man who just walked past us. “Did you see who’s on this flight?” She turns her head like a coiled spring. “And might I just add was looking right at you as he walked by.”

“I’m sure you’re going to tell me.” I don’t bother raising my head. I’m working hard on a crossword puzzle I bought for the flight. I should be writing, but I figured this is a two-week retreat, the writing will be taking place when we land.

“It’s Ryan Hayfield.” She secretly squeals in her seat. “You know…”

“How could I forget. We have attended a handful of events together.”

“And one of those events, you shared a table.”

“Might I add it was a very uncomfortable event.”

“Because he had a crush on you.”

“No, he didn’t.”

“Oh yes, he did. He asked about you all night before the signing and stared at you when he didn’t have readers talking to him.”

“Sherry, he’s a well-known author. He had a ton of readers at his side of the table.”