Page 35 of Cheater

Kit might have been annoyed, but he was right. Work-life balance was not her strong suit. “At the rate we’re moving, I won’t get to the restaurant on time. I can walk it. I need some time to think about this case anyway. I’ll text you when I find out whether we’re going to Palm Springs. Have a nice date.” Kit hopped out, crossed to the sidewalk, and set off toward Mateo’s at a fast walk.

That she was following in Sam Reeves’s path was merely a coincidence.

San Diego, California

Monday, November 7, 5:40 p.m.

Kit murmured apologies to the people she stepped around as she hurried down the street. She didn’t need to hurry. She knew that. She had plenty of time to get to Mateo’s.

She was hurrying because she hoped she’d catch up to Sam Reeves.

And…there he was. He’d stopped on the corner and was talking to two teenage girls. The girls were sneering up at him, but Sam wore his usual kind smile.

The girls looked to be about fifteen or sixteen. And, as Kit approached, she realized why Sam had stopped. The girls weren’t dressed for the weather. It had been a warm day, but the sun was going down and it was becoming chilly. The teens wore holey jeans and tank tops. One of them was visibly shivering. They had a hungry look, like they hadn’t eaten in far too long.

Kit knew that look. She’d worn that same look, fake sneer and all. That was before the McKittricks, of course.

One of the girls, the shorter of the two, had long red hair. Just like Wren’s. She was about the age Wren had been when she’d been murdered. Kit’s feet moved forward of their own accord, bringing her close enough to hear them.

Sam had reached into the breast pocket of his suit jacket and brought out a thin stack of what looked like coupons. “…help you,” he was saying.

The taller of the girls narrowed her eyes. “This can’t be legit.”

“Nothing’s free,” the other added softly.

“This place is,” Sam said with quiet sincerity. “It’s called New Horizons and it’s a shelter for runaway teenagers.”

The taller girl lifted her chin defiantly and Kit was dragged back nearly twenty years. She’d held herself that exact same way when Harlan McKittrick had discovered her and Wren hiding in his barn.

“We’re not runaways,” the girl insisted. “We have families.”

Sam smiled. “Then take the vouchers anyway. You can get a hot meal and rest for a few hours before you start for home.”

The girl took the vouchers, still suspicious. “How do we know you aren’t part of some freaky group who’ll trap us and sell us?” Tall asked.

He lifted one shoulder. “You don’t. But I’m not. I volunteer for the shelter.”

“He’s telling the truth,” Kit said, and all three turned to stare at her. “He’s a nice guy and New Horizons is a nice place. They’ll take care of you.”

Tall stepped between Kit and the other girl. “You’re his partner. You’re trying to trick us.”

Sam’s eyes had widened. “What are you doing here, De—Kit?”

Tall’s eyes narrowed once more. “What kind of name is DeKit?”

Sam had stopped just short of calling her “detective” because that would have sent the girls running faster than anything else.

“It’s Dutch,” Kit said, and Sam cleared his throat, probably choking back a laugh. “Look, ladies. I’m going to be straight with you because I have a family dinner to get to. This guy is Dr. Sam Reeves and he’s legit. I’m a cop, but I’m not out to get you for anything. I can show you my badge if it helps you believe him.”

Tall held out her hand. “Give it to me.”

Kit laughed. “No. But I will hold it out so you can examine it.”

Tall leaned forward to study it closely. “What kind of cop are you?”

“Homicide. And Dr. Sam works with us. Helps us catch the bad guys. But in his spare time, he volunteers with New Horizons, just like he said.” She sighed. “I know what you’re thinking, but there are good people in this world who will help you.” The girls were hesitant, fear still obvious in their eyes, so Kit made a decision. “If you don’t believe me, come with me to the restaurant where my family is having dinner. You can ask them. And you can have a meal there, on me. If you’re still nervous at the end of the meal, you’re free to go. But New Horizons will give you a safe place to sleep either way.”

“Why?” the shorter girl asked, her voice trembling. “Why are you pretending to be so nice?”