Page 160 of Cheater

His green eyes sparkled, his lips quirking up. “Our Georgia. I think they’re becoming friends. They seem well suited for each other.”


Sam chuckled. “I know. Eloise is green with jealousy but Georgia saw him first and Eloise doesn’t poach.”

“Anymore,” Kit said wryly.

“True enough. But she loves Georgia and won’t get in the way. It’ll be good for all of them, I think. Meeting new people.”

“You’re kind to pick him up.”

Another shrug. “I’m a really nice guy.”

Kit laughed. “You are.”

He took a step back. “I’ll call you soon.”

She stood there a moment, her mouth open. What? He was leaving? “Sam?”

He stopped, tilting his head. “Yes, Kit?”

“You’re leaving? Now?”

“Our date is over.”

Kit blinked slowly. “I figured…” That you’d want to come into my place. That you’d want…more.

“I promised I wouldn’t push you. This bet was as close to breaking that promise as I’m willing to go.” But he didn’t move another step. He was waiting.

She knew what he wanted. He wanted her to take the next step.

Suddenly her heart was pounding again, butterflies fluttering in her stomach. But it wasn’t unpleasant. And she wasn’t afraid because this was Sam Reeves and he was a patient man. A kind and gentle man.

A man who, for whatever reason, wants me.

So she took the next step, closing the distance between them, gingerly placing her hands on his chest where his heart thundered under her palm. She lifted onto her toes until their mouths were a whisper apart. “I still don’t know if I can be what you need.”

“And I still say you don’t get to decide that.”

They were close now, so close that she could feel his answer on her lips. Tentatively, she slid one hand up, hooking it around his neck, pulling his head another millimeter closer.

His hands were still at his side, his body tense. Because he was still waiting.

“You’re going to make me do this, aren’t you?” she asked, her lips brushing his as she spoke.

He smirked. “Yep.”

“I thought you were a nice man.”

“Growing less nice every second.” His voice was husky and sent shivers all over her skin. “Kiss me, Kit, or let me go home. You’re killing me here.”

She swallowed again, closed her eyes, and kissed him. Then gasped when his arms closed around her, pulling her tight against him. He took control of the kiss, pulling the scrunchie from her ponytail and threading his fingers through her hair.

She wound both hands around his neck and held on, letting it all go, losing herself in his warmth. His affection. His mastery of her mouth.

Sam Reeves is a damn good kisser.

She forgot where she was, every thought cleared from her mind as she allowed herself to simply feel for the first time in a long time.