Page 155 of Cheater

Sam exhaled in relief. “Good. Nobody was hurt?”

“Minor injuries,” Kit said, coming up from behind him. “All our guys are okay. And so is Siggy.” She looked up at him. “You took five years off my life.”

“I knew you’d come.”

“I couldn’t lose you or I’d have to break in another profiler,” she said lightly, but the look in her eyes belied her tone. She had been scared for him, and he could see that she was processing that. “Plus, I won the bet.”

Sam laughed. “Yeah, you did. I can’t wait to go fishing.”

Chapter Twenty-One

San Diego PD, San Diego, California

Saturday, November 12, 10:00 a.m.

“Thank you,” Kit said, smiling tentatively at Sam when he put a cup of coffee on her desk. She’d already had three cups that morning, but she wasn’t going to say no to a fourth. She and Connor had been working nonstop to pull all the remaining puzzle pieces together, and they were ready to debrief with Navarro.

Kit had asked Sam to join them. She figured he’d more than earned it.

Sam perched on the corner of her desk. “You’ve already had a lot of caffeine this morning,” he observed. “You’re twitching.”

It was true, unfortunately. “Connor and I burned the midnight oil last night. The brass wants this case closed up nice and tight before Frankie’s service tomorrow morning.”

They’d have a double memorial service for Frankie and Benny at Shady Oaks, and then there’d be a police procession to the cemetery where Frankie Wilson Flynn would get a burial with full honors. Gerald had asked that Sam, Connor, and Goddard join him, one of Benny’s grandsons, and Henry Whitfield’s grandson as the pallbearers for Frankie’s casket. Frankie would be laid to rest next to Ryan, with Ryan’s sister—and Benny’s wife—Martha already in the adjacent plot.

Benny’s funeral would be later on Sunday afternoon at a synagogue downtown. He’d be laid to rest with the others afterward. It was going to be a long and emotionally exhausting day for everyone.

“Did you get it all closed up?” Sam asked.

“I think so.” She glanced through the windows of Navarro’s office, where he was finishing a phone call. “We’ll find out soon enough. How’s Georgia?”

“She’s okay, thank God. Your parents have adopted her. Your mom is making her and Eloise come home with them for a late dinner after the services tomorrow.”

Kit grinned. “I know. And Rita, Tiffany, and Emma have claimed them as their honorary grandmas. Whether Georgia wants it or not. Eloise is tickled.”

“Georgia wants it, trust me. She’s touched and excited, even if she won’t admit it. She’s also ready to smack Eloise, who’s hovering over her like a mother hen.”

“Poor Eloise. She was so upset when she found out you and Georgia were missing. She’s a sweet old girl.”

Sam nodded. “They both are. And they’re going to have a hard time for a while. Now that everything is over, losing Frankie and Benny is hitting them hard.”

“Mom and Pop will make sure they’re kept busy,” Kit said, pushing away from her desk when Navarro hung up his phone. She picked up her coffee. “I think it’s time.”

“Where’s Connor?”

“On his way up. He went for a bakery run.”

Because he’d been writing up reports on all of Roxanne’s dead husbands and needed a break. It was a sad but necessary chore.

Kit led the way to Navarro’s office, leaving the door open. “Hey, boss.”

“Good morning. Dr. Reeves, I’m glad you could join us.”

“Me too. I have questions.” Sam took one of the seats at the table, then raised his eyebrows meaningfully at Kit.

Feeling her cheeks heat because Navarro was avidly watching, Kit sat next to Sam. Fortunately, Connor arrived with the food and she didn’t have to endure Navarro’s amusement at her discomfort.

“We ready?” Navarro asked when everyone had their sugary breakfast of champions.