Page 90 of Cheater

The woman was still blinking. “Detective? What’s going on?”

“That’s what we’d like to know.” Kit gestured to the stairs, one hand on the service weapon holstered at her hip. “Don’t think about running. I will catch you.”

“I’m not a criminal,” the woman protested. “I’ll get dressed. No running.”

Kit followed her up the stairs, all the while listening to Stanza trying to convince Connor to let him go.

Ha. Fat chance.

Kit searched the upstairs rooms for Archie Adler while the woman was getting dressed, just in case Archie hadn’t taken off in his boat after all. The woman emerged from a bedroom within two minutes wearing jeans and a T-shirt, her hair lying wet and tangled around her shoulders.

“I didn’t want you to think I was hiding a weapon in my towel,” she said earnestly.

“Thank you,” Kit said. “What is your name?”

“Brittney Shay. I’ve only known Dominic for a few months. I don’t know about anything illegal. I swear it. I’m getting my law degree. I can’t get arrested.”

“Well, let’s see what Mr. Stanza has to say.” They started down the stairs, Kit still on her guard in case Brittney made a run for it. But Brittney was wearing no shoes, which made her less of an escape risk. “Did you meet him at the university?”

“I did. He was my TA when I took a computer course last summer. We started dating when the fall semester started.” She walked into the living room, arms crossed tightly over her chest. “What the fuck, Dominic? You’re going to get me disbarred before I ever take the damn exam!”

“Have a seat, Miss Shay,” Kit said calmly, following her into the room.

Stanza was sitting in a chair, his hands cuffed in front of him.

“He tried to run,” Connor said. “He didn’t get far.”

“Upstairs is clear. Let me check down here.” Kit searched the lower level, then returned to the living room. “Adler’s not here. Where is he, Stanza?”

Stanza glared at them both, then turned his attention to Brittney. “I’m sorry I lied about my parents owning this place, but I didn’t lie to the cops. My friend does own this house.”

“Archie Adler,” Kit said.

Brittney’s eyes widened. “Archie? What did he do, rob a bank? Oh my God.”

Kit smiled her most threatening smile at Stanza. “How did he get the money for this place, Mr. Stanza?”

“I don’t know.”

Brittney slumped into another chair. “Did you steal, too?” she demanded of Stanza.


“You just covered for Archie when he was off running his scam?” Kit guessed, and Stanza winced.

“You don’t even lie well,” Brittney muttered. “Just tell them. It’ll go easier for you. They can put in a good word with the DA and my father can recommend a lawyer.”

Stanza’s shoulders sagged. “I didn’t steal anything.”

“I don’t care,” Kit said coldly. “Archie did, and he’s the fish we’re after. Where is he?”

“I don’t know.”

Brittney rubbed her forehead. “This is so ridiculous. I can’t believe this is happening to me. I heard them talking tonight, Detectives. I didn’t know what I was hearing at the time, but now it makes sense. Archie’s taken his boat.”

“We figured that,” Connor said. “Where did he go?”

Stanza glared daggers at his girlfriend. “I do not know,” he said slowly, his expression daring Brittney to say a word.