Page 78 of Cheater

Professor Chen didn’t appear surprised at the notion.

“We need his help accessing the server at the facility where he works,” Kit said, choosing her words.

Chen tilted his head. “You didn’t answer my question, Detective. Has Archie done something wrong?”

“We don’t know,” Kit answered honestly. “We can’t find him to ask. But there have been two deaths at his place of employment and we need information that we believe resides on the server. The encryption he’s set up is pretty rigorous and we can’t break through.”

“I see. Well, I am Archie’s advisor and he’s in my graduate encryption class. He’s in danger of failing this semester.”

“Bad student?” Connor asked.

“No, on the contrary. Archie is one of the brightest students I’ve ever had the privilege to teach. His skills will surpass mine one day. But he doesn’t come to class, and today he missed an important test. It counts as sixty percent of his grade. He’s missed his office hours more and more often of late and his students are very unhappy. If he doesn’t turn things around, I’ll have no choice but to find another TA. I haven’t seen him since Friday of last week.”

The activity on this case had started in the wee hours of Saturday with the theft of the coins. Crawford had been killed shortly thereafter. Kit hoped they wouldn’t find Archie’s body in a cheap motel somewhere, the victim of another “suicide.”

“That’s too bad,” Kit said. “We really need his help, for one. But, even more importantly, he could be in danger. We need to find him.”

“I have his address.” He consulted his computer, then jotted the address on his notepad and slid it across the desk.

“We’ve been there,” Kit said. “He isn’t answering his door.”

Connor took the page from the notepad and put it in his pocket. “Professor, did you teach him about encryption?”

“I did, yes. Why?”

“If our IT guys can’t get through the encryption and we can’t find Adler, would you be able to provide assistance?”

The professor shrugged. “I might. Like I said, Archie is a very good pupil. If he set it up, even I might not be able to get through. But I’d be happy to try. I do hope you find him, though. He hasn’t been reliable this year, but it hasn’t always been so.”

“When did he begin to decline?” Connor asked.

Chen paused, his expression contemplative. “Two years ago,” he finally replied. “It was little things at first—leaving early or taking a long weekend when he wasn’t scheduled for one. He always had an excuse. Most of the time it was that his mother was ill, but I called her once, looking for Archie, and told her that I hoped she was feeling better. She seemed startled to hear this and assured me that she’d been fine. I asked Archie about this and he was embarrassed. He said he’d only said that because it was a girlfriend situation and he didn’t want everyone knowing about his business.”

Two years ago. Georgia Shearer had overheard Archie’s phone conversation about getting money for a car around that time. A glance at Connor said that he’d come to the same conclusion.

“His whole personality began to change,” Chen went on. “I’ve suspected drug abuse, but I’ve never seen him high. I know that his students are unhappy with him, but again, it wasn’t always so. My students used to love Archie’s class. Up until last year, his ratings were stellar. Now…I don’t know of any student who’d sign up for his section again.”

“What about Dominic Stanza?” Kit asked. “We got the impression that they’d had a falling-out?”

Chen sighed. “Dominic covers for him. ‘He’s been sick, Professor. His mom’s sick, Professor. His car broke down again and he’s stranded.’ So many excuses. Dominic is always here, and sometimes he covers Archie’s classes, too. Maybe Dominic got tired of being walked on by Archie. Between us, I’m cutting Archie loose at the end of the semester. His grades alone are cause, but…” He sighed again. “I hate when these things happen. When brilliant young minds become distracted.”

“Thank you for your candor, Professor,” Connor said. “If we need to reach you about the encryption, what number should we call?”

Chen wrote on the back of one of his business cards and handed it to them. “My cell phone number is on the back. Call me if you need me. Or if you find Archie. I am worried about him. I’ve known him for a long time. I hope he’s okay.”

Kit took the card. “We do, too, sir. Thank you for your time. We’ll be in touch.”

They took their leave, returning the way they’d come and noticing as they passed Dominic Stanza’s office that his door was closed and locked, even though the sign on his door said he had at least another hour of office time left.

“Stanza split,” Connor murmured. “What do you want to bet that he’s off telling Archie that we’re looking for him?”

“Sucker bet,” Kit murmured back. “Let’s check Archie’s apartment again.”

Chapter Eleven

Shady Oaks Retirement Village

Scripps Ranch, San Diego, California