Page 148 of Cheater

“You shut up,” Jackie ordered, then pursed her lips again.

They had Neil Fogarty on attempted murder of Detective Perry Dunst, which should give them some leverage when they interrogated him. Kit had the feeling that Neil would be more open once Jackie was no longer in his presence.

“Well, Jackie?” Kit asked, but the woman still said nothing. Kit gestured to Connor. “Let’s check out the SUV.”

“You can’t search my phone!” Jackie shouted. “I know my rights!”

Unfortunately, she was right. They’d need a warrant for that.

Leaning against the SWAT van, Kit called Navarro, telling him that they’d apprehended Roxanne’s sister but still needed to find Roxanne. “Can we get a warrant for this woman’s phone?”

“Oh yeah. The judge who’s on call tonight already told me to call him on his personal cell if something came up on this case.”

Because Lieutenant Frank Wilson was dead and everyone wanted to bring a cop killer to justice. Fortunately, that would get justice for Benny, too. “Thanks. You’ll call me when we have the warrant?”

“Of course.”

“We’re going to search the sister’s rental while we wait. Thanks, boss.”

“Wait, Kit. I got a voice mail from Sam Reeves. He said he’d sent a document to your email that Frank had written. I was in a meeting with the brass, so I only got the message a few minutes before you called. I tried calling him back, but it goes straight to voice mail.”

She quickly checked her phone and a spear of panic stabbed her heart. “Oh shit. He’s called me four times and sent a text. Let me check them out and I’ll call you right back.” She ended the call and brought up Sam’s text message.

At the hospice visiting Frankie’s ex-wife. Frankie was here on Wednesday. Used the name of Joe Friday—his old partner said that was his nickname on the force.

And then she knew. That was where Frankie had taken whatever evidence he’d gathered.

Sam’s first voice mail confirmed it. “Check your email. Frankie left your evidence with his ex-wife. I’ve sent you a photo of the letter.”

He’d left no voice mail with his second call. The message he’d left with the third call sounded both weary and frantic, begging her to call him. It was “more than important.”

His fourth call, though…She held the phone to her ear, trying to hear something. But there was nothing. Only the sound of traffic. She waited, her heart beating faster with every second that passed. She waited the full length of the message, but there was only the same sound of traffic.

She dialed Sam back, but the call rang and rang before going to voice mail.

Something’s wrong.

Chapter Twenty

San Ysidro, California

Thursday, November 10, 7:00 p.m.

Hands shaking, Kit opened the email from Sam and quickly read the letter that Frankie Flynn had written to Georgia. “Connor!”

Connor straightened from where he’d been searching Jackie’s SUV. “What’s wrong?”

“Sam found it. He found what Frankie suspected before he was killed.”

Connor read the letter with grim satisfaction. “He found out about the dead husbands. This is good, Kit. Why are you as white as a sheet?”

She drew a breath and forced herself to calm down. “Sam told me that he was taking Georgia to visit with Frankie’s ex-wife. His last voice mail is nothing but the sound of traffic.”

Connor shrugged. “He butt-dialed you.”

“No. Navarro’s called him and so did I just now. Goes straight to voice mail. He was with Georgia. I’m going to call her.” She tapped Georgia’s name in her contact list, but the call went to voice mail once again. “Dammit. This letter was written on a computer. Most likely Frankie’s computer.”

“Which Roxanne stole when she killed him,” Connor said, finally understanding Kit’s fear. “She knows he wrote the letter to Georgia.”