Page 87 of Cold-Blooded Liar

“Was the area dug up?”

“It was. I mean, Skyler had been buried there less than forty-eight hours before. The question I have is why her killer picked that spot. Was it already dug up? I’ve got a call in to the park’s groundskeeper to ask if they’d been doing any digging there before. This killer—or killers—is picking parks and he’s never been caught burying any of his victims.”

“He knows it’s safe to dig wherever he’s digging, then,” Navarro said, sitting up straighter. “That could be key.”

“I know. I made a few calls to park people after we found Jaelyn two weeks ago, but it was the weekend and no one was in. Then Driscoll happened and I haven’t followed up. I will, though. But back to the kid. He didn’t act guilty. He was...” She closed her eyes, trying to remember everything that had transpired when she and Baz had first arrived at the crime scene. Before Baz collapsed. “Preening. Like he’d done something important. I mean, he’s fifteen, so finding a buried hand is a big deal. Watching CSU erect a tent around the scene had him practically buzzing. I had one of the uniforms take him home so he wouldn’t be underfoot. He was filming with his phone.”

Navarro grimaced. “Wonderful.”

“So I didn’t talk to him again after that because Baz...” She gave herself a shake. “I’ll follow up with the kid today.”

“You’ve got a full day planned. Make a list of all the things that need to be followed up on. You and your support can divvy it up.”

She saluted. “Yes, sir.”

“And no more sleeping at your desk, McKittrick.”

She winced because she’d taken pains to make it look like she hadn’t spent all night at her desk, even changing into the spare clothes she kept in her locker. “Who narced on me?”

“Housekeeping. None of us got our trash cans emptied because they didn’t want to wake you up. Said you were sleeping like an angel.”

“I’m no angel,” she muttered.

His chuckle held a note of unmistakable affection. “Ain’t that the truth? Work today and then go home. Get some real sleep.”

She sighed. “Fine.”

He gave her a look that was both stern and kind. “I’m worried about you. You’ve been working on this case nonstop and before that, you worked the last case nonstop and the one before that. Baz’s heart attack was a wake-up call for all of us. If you don’t take some downtime on your own—at least to sleep—I’ll have to force you to take some leave. Or order you to see Dr.Scott more than once a week.”

Kit’s eyes widened in genuine horror. “You wouldn’t.”

Dr.Levinson helped them catch criminals and was completely approachable. Dr.Scott asked them about their feelings and Kit hated sessions with him.

“Yes, I would. And Scott’s not that bad.”

She shuddered. “He really is. He looks at you with those eyes of his.” Dark, piercing eyes that saw far too much.

Navarro’s lips twitched. “Most people have eyes, Kit.”

“But he sees things,” she murmured. Dr.Scott was far too good at ferreting out what she most wanted to keep hidden.

Navarro’s expression softened. “Kit. This job will wring you dry if you let it. Allowing someone to see things can help you stay sane.”

Something in his tone caught her attention. “Do you talk to him?” she asked, then immediately winced. “I’m sorry, sir. That was personal.”

“It’s all right. I brought it up. Yes. I do talk to him from time to time when things get overwhelming. He’s helped me keep my sanity more than once over the years. Helped me maintain my sobriety, too.”

She was stunned. She hadn’t known that Navarro had chemical dependency issues. That did put Scott in a far different light. “You trust him?”

Navarro nodded. “I do. We’re lucky to have him on call.”

Kit sighed, having heard this before. “I know. He could be making a lot more money doing LawTV.” Scott had gotten network attention as an expert witness in a murder several years before and had gone on to have a modest side career appearing as an expert on LawTV specials. He had a good face for television.

“He could,” Navarro agreed. “But cops are his calling. See him. Let him see you. Or I will order you to.”

“But not if I sleep.”

“Not making any promises. Try the sleeping thing first. You’re fraying at the edges and I don’t want it to become worse. You’re too good a detective for me to lose, and I’ll do what I have to so that doesn’t happen.” He stood, taking a final look at the new photos. “I’ll see you at one with Dr.Levinson.”