Page 83 of Cold-Blooded Liar

“Is my client free to go?” Letterman asked sharply.

Kit nodded. “Yes. Where will you go, Dr.Reeves?”

He didn’t open his eyes. “Not home. If the Carvilles think that I met Skyler for drinks after her shift, they’ll...” He opened his eyes and they were filled with such sadness that Kit’s heart hurt. “Well, I don’t know what they’ll do, but I don’t want to find out. I might go to a hotel.”

“You aren’t owed his location,” Letterman said to Kit. “I’m taking my client to wherever he wishes to go. Now.”

Kit forced her expression to blank because the slump of Sam’s shoulders was painful to witness. “I’ll contact you, Ms.Letterman, when the court has assigned a special master to review your client’s phone.”

Kit left without another word to Sam, finding Navarro standing in the observation room alone. Apparently, he’d said no to Joel Haley.

She waited for him to tell her that she’d been too soft on Sam Reeves, but he surprised her.

“He’s either very, very good or he’s not guilty,” Navarro said, watching Sam with his attorney through the glass. Letterman had her arm around his shoulders and was speaking close to his ear. It was an intimate pose, one that made sense after hearing that they’d been together for four years.

Sam Reeves did indeed have a great capacity for forgiveness.

“I agree,” she murmured.

Navarro turned to meet her eyes, his gaze piercing. “Find out which he is. Find out who killed Skyler Carville.”

“I will.”

“Work alone for now, but I’ll assign you a temporary partner as soon as I can. Until Baz comes back.”

Kit nodded, too tired to argue. She didn’t want another partner, even a temporary one. Baz would be coming back and that was all there was to it. “Yes, sir.”

Hillcrest, California

Monday, April 18, 7:30 a.m.

Sam locked his jaw and stared Joel down across Joel’s kitchen table. His best friend’s expression was one of shock mixed with disapproval.

“You’re going to do what?” Joel asked, squinting over his coffee mug.

Joel had insisted Sam stay with him after they’d picked up Siggy from Vivian’s house the night before. Joel’s home was a large Victorian on a busy residential street. He had plenty of room, and Sam had been too exhausted to argue. So here he was.

He was still exhausted, having not slept a wink, but he’d been turning this idea around in his mind all night long, and he was sure.

“I’m going to do my own investigation. I’ve got the time,” he added bitterly.

Because he and Vivian had—albeit reluctantly—agreed that he should take a leave of absence until SDPD cleared his name. Vivian had made sure he knew that it wasn’t about her trust in him. It was about the clinic’s liability and providing the best and least disruptive care for their clients.

So. Time. He had it, in abundance.

“That’s a bad idea, Sam.”

“I disagree. It’s my life. My livelihood. My freedom. And if I sit around with nothing to do, I’m going to go crazy.”

Joel sighed. “How do you plan to do the investigating?”

Sam had thought this through as well, making notes during the night as new ideas occurred to him. “I figure that Colton either participated in the murders with his partner, who killed him, or Colton was the partner or even the hanger-on. The last one would be more consistent with what I saw in session. Colton was always inserting himself into the lives of other people, so him being the groupie of a murderer makes sense.”

“Okay. I’m with you so far. But what are you going to do specifically?”

“I’m going to look into Colton’s background to figure out where the two crossed paths and joined up. I’m going to start with his ex-wives.”

“The police already interviewed his wives.”