Page 81 of Cold-Blooded Liar

He nodded once and, gathering her wits about her, she walked into the interview room. Sam Reeves sat at the table in the same chair he’d used the last time they’d brought him in.

Laura Letterman was glaring daggers at Kit. “Can we get this started? You’re causing my client undue distress.”

Kit could see that. Sam had looked almost relaxed when he’d first opened his door that evening. Wary, but not defeated. Now he looked devastated.

His eyes were red and puffy. He’d been crying.

About Skyler? Or about his own predicament? Or was it a clever ruse?

She sat across from Sam, ignoring his attorney’s continued glare. “So... can you prove your whereabouts this weekend or not?”

She’d meant the question to come out harsh and snappish, but her voice did not obey her wishes. She sounded soft and concerned.

Navarro was going to lose his shit if she didn’t get hers together.

Laura Letterman leaned forward, her gaze as sharp as Kit had intended her words to be. “My client was camping all weekend. Alone. Given enough time, he can find witnesses to corroborate. He spoke with a park ranger several times over the weekend.”

“I’ll need the ranger’s name,” Kit said, then turned her attention to Sam. “If you camped in the park, you’ll be on the park’s registration list. Right?”

He winced. “I didn’t camp in the park. The campgrounds were filled, but I never use them anyway. I have a friend with property bordering the park. He Airbnbs his house but lets his friends camp on the land, away from the house.”

Kit wanted to sigh, because that was more bad news for him. “You posted a photo to Facebook on Friday night.” It was a selfie with his dog, his tent in the background. He’d looked at peace in the photo.

He nodded, his eyes haunted. “Yeah. I did.”

“Was that in the park or on your friend’s land?”

“My friend’s land. I left the park at five on Friday afternoon. There was a ranger at the gate, so there should be a record of that.”

That was even worse. It meant he’d had opportunity. Still, she found herself trying to help him. “Do you protect your Facebook settings?” she asked.

He blinked, looking confused. “What?”

“Do you control who sees your posts?”

Sam shook his head slowly. “No. I mainly post the photos so my parents can see them. I also chat online with a few other hikers who do the desert parks.”

“So anyone could have known that he was there alone,” Laura said, swooping in on the detail.

“Yes. It’s possible. It’s also possible that he drove to San Diego after taking that photo and met up with Skyler Carville for drinks after her shift at the bar.” Kit kept her focus on Sam even though she spoke to his attorney.

He frowned. “Why would I do that?”

“Sam,” Letterman cautioned. “But that’s an excellent question, Detective. Please answer it.”

Kit tilted her head, still watching him. “Because Skyler texted her parents to say she’d be late getting home. Because Dr.Reeves had texted her, asking her to meet for a drink.”

Sam’s mouth fell open. “I didn’t.”

“Sam,” Letterman snapped. “Say nothing.”

He looked at Letterman. “But I didn’t. They can check my phone.”

“We’ve already initiated a warrant for your cell phone records, Dr.Reeves,” Kit said calmly, but she wanted to sigh with relief. He was telling the truth. She was sure of it. But you’d already made up your mind, hadn’t you? She ignored the little voice in her head and added, “But it would go a lot faster if you’d grant us access.”

“No,” Letterman barked. “Absolutely not.”

Sam looked frustrated. “Laura.”