Page 173 of Cold-Blooded Liar

“How do I know you won’t kill her afterward?”

“You don’t. But I will kill her if you don’t drop your weapon. You’re here, Kit, so you know a lot more than I expected you did. I didn’t know you’d gotten so close. You don’t talk as much in session as Navarro does. He gave me so much information. All these years.”

Her jaw tightened. “You’ll leave her here? Alive? No one else will know.”

“After you’re dead?” Scott sounded amused.

No! Sam wanted to scream, then he realized what she’d just said. No one else will know.

I would know.

She’d said that for Sam. She wanted him to take care of Rita if Scott killed her.

Dammit, Kit. He crept a little closer, waiting for what, he didn’t know.

“If it will save her life, I will,” Kit said.

“She’s seen me, Kit,” Scott said mildly. “She’ll tell.”

“She’s disoriented. You drugged her. She won’t remember your face. Let her go and I won’t kill you. You have my word. Do I have yours?”

“Sure,” Scott said, still sounding chuffed. “But I am a liar, you know.”

“A cold-blooded liar,” she agreed. “I thought that was Colton Driscoll, but I know now that it was you all along. But you did help me once or twice. I’m hoping there’s enough decency left in you to let Rita live. She’s already been through so much.”

She was still stalling, Sam realized. She really was good at this. Navarro had to be getting close.

“Stop stalling, Kit,” Scott snapped. He tightened his hold on Rita and shoved the gun harder into her head. “Drop your gun, or she dies in front of you. You want to see that? I didn’t think so. Kick the gun away.”

Kit didn’t take her eyes off Scott as she placed her gun on the dirt, then kicked it way. “Now let her go.”

“No.” Scott pulled the gun from Rita’s head and pointed it at Kit.

Sam couldn’t breathe. And then he saw the shovel that Scott had discarded. Leaping for it, Sam grabbed the handle and swung the thing at Scott’s head in one motion, making contact with a sickening thud.

That was for Skyler, you motherfucker. And for all the others.

Scott staggered forward, falling to his knees. He still had both Rita and the gun, but he no longer pointed it at anyone.

So Sam hit him again.

Scott dropped the gun that time.

Sam kicked Scott’s gun away and, keeping hold of the shovel, grabbed Rita. Swinging her up into his arms, he carried her to the back of the RAV4, out of the line of fire. Just in case. He laid her gently on the ground, then ran back to Kit, raising his shovel again. Just in case Scott got his gun back.

But Kit had it under control. She’d retrieved her weapon and had Scott flat on his stomach, her knee in his kidney.

Sam had nearly forgotten what that knee had felt like. It had sucked.

That she was doing it to Scott made Sam happy. She slapped her handcuffs on Scott’s wrists, restraining his hands behind his back.

“Sorry they’re not pink,” she snarled. “You motherfucker.” She ripped his mask off. “You coward. Hurting girls. You’re disgusting.”

Scott turned his face to glare at her, his hatred apparent. But he said nothing.

Kit looked up and saw Sam. “Thank you,” she said, her voice breaking. “Thank you so much. Where is she?”

“Behind the SUV. She’s safe.”