Page 164 of Cold-Blooded Liar

“My alibi,” he said grimly.

“Your life,” she corrected tersely. “If he knows you know, he’ll kill you, too.” Rosie gasped, and Kit cleared her throat. “I need to go.” She ended the call and looked over at Rosie. “I’ll need a copy of this footage.”

“Of course,” Rosie said, and Kit got up to let her sit in front of the computer.

With shaking hands, she texted Connor. Go to Navarro’s office. I need to update you both ASAP.

Are you okay? Connor texted back.

No, she was not okay. Unhurt. Will call in a few minutes. Wait for me.

She wasn’t going to text them this information and she wasn’t going to say another word in front of Rosie. She’d already revealed too much while talking to Sam.

It took only moments for Rosie to download the footage to a thumb drive. She handed it to Kit. “Be careful,” the bartender said seriously.

Kit nodded, still numb. “Thank you,” she managed. “Have a good day.”

Dr.Scott. Motherfucking Dr.Scott.

He’d had her trust.

Shit. Fucking shit. He’d also had Navarro’s trust for how many years? Most of the investigation, that was how long. Navarro would have disclosed details.

All the details.

Scott must have been so goddamn smug.

This was going to destroy Navarro. Kit felt destroyed with the minimal information she’d provided. Navarro had been telling Scott his secrets for years.

She ran back to her vehicle, dialing Navarro’s number before she’d even closed her door. “It’s Scott,” she said as soon as Navarro picked up.

“What?” Navarro asked. “Scott who?”

“Dr.Scott,” Kit snapped. “Our. Therapist.”

“What?” Navarro repeated, incredulous. “Come on, McKittrick. It wasn’t Levinson, either. What’s gotten into you?”

“I have the video evidence. In my hand.” Kit started the car, her hands still shaking. “He met Skyler at the Lazy Oyster Bar. I saw him roofie her drink. I saw him lead her out. I saw him.”

For a long moment, there was silence.

Then Connor gently asked, “Where are you now, Kit?”

“On my way back.”

“Okay,” Connor said, still gentle. “Get yourself back here safely. You hear me?”

“Yeah. Boss?”

“Yeah?” Navarro asked hoarsely, and Kit’s heart broke for him.

“Not your fault, boss.”

“I told him everything,” Navarro said, his voice cracking. “Are you sure it’s him?”

“Yes. Plus, Sam Reeves found him, too. He’s on his way in. If I’m not back yet, please escort him up, Connor.”

“Of course, but how did Reeves find him?”