Page 156 of Cold-Blooded Liar

Wednesday, April 20, 11:35 a.m.

I’m sorry,” Connor said when both he and Kit were in the department sedan.

In the passenger seat, Kit leaned her head back and closed her eyes, blocking out Joel’s tidy Victorian house. “We needed to know. Dr.Reeves has been conveniently in the middle of all the major discoveries on this case.”

“You called him Sam in there.”

She winced. But she wasn’t going to apologize. “Yeah, I did.”

Connor sighed and started the engine. “I believed him, too.”

“I have since the beginning,” she confessed.

“You’ve got a good gut, Kit. Everyone knows it.”

She turned to look at him, wondering who this man really was. Sometimes she wanted to smack his face. Other times, like now, he could be gentle and kind. “Thank you.”

He backed out of Joel’s driveway and into the street. “We need a warrant for the mail room where Driscoll worked.”

“I’ll call it in. Maybe Howard can do the search while we’re at the school.” Connor grunted his agreement and Kit dialed Navarro, putting the call on speaker. “Connor and I just left Dr.Reeves,” she said when her boss answered.

“Why?” Navarro asked sharply.

Maybe he was still smarting over whatever he and Levinson said to each other. Kit was almost too tired to care.

“We needed to know if Reeves knew what was on those hard drives. We showed him about twenty seconds of the one with Naomi Beckham.”

There was a long, long pause and Kit thought he’d be angry with her, but he only asked, “And?”

“He threw up. Both Connor and I believed his reaction was real.”

“Okay, then,” he said brusquely. “You checked off that box. You on your way to Orion now?”

“Yes, but we need a warrant for the mail room where Driscoll worked.” She told him about the spying that Driscoll claimed his boss was doing.

“That building has apartments, too,” Navarro said. “Swanky ones on the top floors. Maybe he lives there.”

Connor shook his head. “He would have had to get the dead girls out of the building somehow. I think someone would have noticed a dead body over his shoulder.”

“Could have transported them in a big suitcase,” Navarro said. “I’ll request the mail room warrant and keep you updated on the status. It’s not a lot to go on, but we might get lucky. Wealthy people have apartments in that building. I imagine they’d want to know if someone was spying on them. May give me a little extra convincing power with the judge.”

“I hope so,” Kit said fervently. “We need some luck. We’ve been playing catch-up to this bastard for years. He’s been several steps ahead of us the whole time.”

Navarro heaved a sigh. “We actually did have some luck. Or at least Levinson did us a favor. He gave me the name of the head attorney at the school. I talked to the man, told him that the reporter is publishing an unsubstantiated rumor. That we want to talk to them as witnesses versus suspects.”

“That’s true,” Kit said. “None of our background reports came back with any smoking guns. Doesn’t mean there aren’t any, but if we get bad vibes from anyone at the school, we can dig further. Who are we going to see?”

“The headmaster, the admissions director, a shit ton of lawyers, and their IT guy. They should have them all gathered by the time you get there. I’ll send you a list.”

“We’ll review their backgrounds again while we drive. Thanks, boss. Did Howard come back yet?”

“No. He called in, said he was taking a personal day.”

Kit felt a flicker of irritation at that. She and Connor had watched more of the videos than Howard had, and they were still working. From the way Connor was muttering under his breath, he appeared to be thinking the same thing.

“What about CSU?” she asked. “Have they examined the remaining hard drives?”

“Almost. Sergeant Ryland says there are no more murder victims so far, but Driscoll had a lot of child porn on the other hard drives. Preteens mainly, but some younger. We’ve called in ICAC to take custody of those videos. They say that they’ve seen them online before, that Driscoll probably didn’t make them.”