Page 150 of Cold-Blooded Liar

“She does,” Tanya said. “Tell her to make sure her audition tape is flawless. It doesn’t matter how many takes she needs to do, there cannot be a single mistake.”

“And the admissions director?” Connor pressed. “He’s fair?”

“He is,” Tanya said. “And he’s been there forever.”

Parker hummed her agreement. “He was old when we were in school.”

“Old and gray, huh?” Connor fished. He’s clean, he mouthed to Kit, bringing the man’s background check up on his screen. There was nothing suspicious.

Tanya chuckled. “He’d be gray if he had hair. He’s been bald forever, too. Look, I have to run, but tell your girlfriend’s daughter that I wish her all the luck.”

Kit wished they could come clean about the real reason for their call. Rita would love an autograph from Sybil Tucker, a.k.a. Tanya Westbrook.

“Thank you both,” Connor said sincerely. “Break a leg, ladies.” He ended the call and turned off the recorder.

“So that’s how he does it,” Kit murmured.

“It’s like you thought. The girls that don’t share the good news with their friends are his victims.” He fidgeted with his computer’s keyboard before meeting Kit’s eyes. “I’m sorry.”

Kit tilted her head. “For what?”

“If I’ve said things that were... y’know. Misogynistic.”

She smiled at him. “You have, actually, but I accept your apology.”

“Feel free to tell me when I’m out of line. I don’t want to hurt anyone, even by accident.”

“I will.” She looked up when the door to the bullpen opened. “It’s Levinson. You want to come with?”

“Sure.” Connor stood. “I’ll probably still be a dick sometimes. Just so you know. Old habits being hard to break and all.”

“I’ll consider myself warned.”

She might even miss him once Baz came back. She’d miss Howard more, though. He brought cake.

SDPD, San Diego, California

Wednesday, April 20, 9:45 a.m.

Kit and Connor followed Dr.Levinson into Navarro’s office.

“Detective,” Dr.Levinson said. “You’re joining us?”

“I am,” Kit said. “Do you know Detective Robinson?”

“We’ve met,” Levinson said. He sat at the conference table, cleaning his glasses once again.

Older. Gray hair. Glasses. A drama connection.

When the four of them were seated, Navarro started. “Al, we told you that the thing the victims had in common was an interest in acting. But we’ve made another connection.”

Levinson sighed. “Orion School. I read it online this morning. I already had my coffee in a travel mug when you called, Reynaldo. I was coming in to see you. I figured you saw my name on the board of trustees list.”

“We did,” Kit said. “Why didn’t you mention it when we talked on Monday?”

“Because you weren’t talking about Orion School,” Levinson said simply. “You were talking about auditions in L.A. for TV shows. In hindsight, I probably should have suggested that you talk to the folks at Orion, but they’re not the most welcoming group. They wouldn’t have given you any information voluntarily. They’re...” He shrugged. “Stuck-up.”

“What’s your role on the board?” Conner asked.