Page 131 of Cold-Blooded Liar

“True.” Sam followed Joel up to the front door, looking around. “Do you see Kit’s car?”

Joel’s gaze swept from side to side. “Huh. I don’t actually. She drives a Subaru Outback.”

Sam looked at the four vehicles parked in the driveway. “They’re all Subaru Outbacks, Joel.” Which was odd, wasn’t it?

“Yeah. One of the McKittricks’ former foster sons owns a Subaru dealership and gets them discounts. Hers is blue, though. I wonder if she’s left already.”

“Maybe we should leave,” Sam said doubtfully.

“Nah. I can still talk to Harlan about Rita.” Joel knocked on the front door. “I bet we can even wrangle some pie from Betsy. She always has pie.”

But Sam wasn’t so sure. This was Kit’s family. Her safe place. He was intruding. He’d taken a step back when the door opened to a very large man. He had to be six-two with broad shoulders and eyes with prominent laugh lines.

“Joel Haley! What are you doing here, son?”

This must be Harlan McKittrick.

“Came looking for Kit, actually,” Joel said, shaking the man’s hand. “But I was hoping I could have a moment to talk to you about Rita as well.”

“Heard you got the case. I was relieved.” Harlan opened the door wider. “Come in. Who’s your friend?”

“This is Sam Reeves.” Joel waved a hand between them. “He’s working a case with Kit.”

Sam could see the moment Harlan figured it out. “The CI,” he murmured, as if to himself. Then he smiled again. “Welcome, Dr.Reeves. Please, come in.”

“Harlan?” a woman called. “Who’s at the door?”

“Joel and his friend, Sam Reeves,” Harlan called back.

“Kit’s Sam?”

Sam’s eyes popped wide. What?

Joel was looking like he was trying not to smile, and Harlan’s lips twitched. “One and the same,” Harlan said.

“Well, don’t dally,” she said. “Bring them into the kitchen.”

And that was how Sam found himself at a large kitchen table that appeared to be hand carved. A plump woman with a smile as big as Harlan’s was bustling around, grabbing plates and mugs.

“You’ll want some coffee,” she said. “Please sit.”

“You don’t have to do that, Betsy,” Joel said.

She threw an amused look over her shoulder. “But you won’t say no, will you?”

Joel grinned. “Never, ma’am.” He sat and pointed to an empty chair. “Sam.”

Sam sat, feeling overwhelmed. “Thank you,” he said when Betsy put a steaming mug of coffee in front of him, followed by a slab of pie that smelled so good that his mouth watered. “Apple pie is my favorite.”

“Good,” she said and, after serving everyone else, she joined them. “What’s up, boys?”

“We were looking for Kit,” Joel said around a mouthful of pie. “Baz said she was coming home to see you tonight.”

The McKittricks shared a worried glance. “She’s not here,” Harlan said. “Haven’t seen her since last night. I was up when she left, but she was in a hurry and we didn’t get a chance to talk.”

Because she was rushing to call me, Sam thought.

Joel nodded. “Can you call her, Harlan? She might be screening her calls if she’s working, but she’ll answer for you.”