Page 106 of Cold-Blooded Liar

His attorney did, however. Laura Letterman had said “oh” when Sam explained why he’d resisted arrest. Like that made all the sense in the world.

Kit had been wondering what had happened to trigger the man like that.

“Could you work together?”

Kit shook her head. “He’s technically a suspect. That’s why he’s investigating. To clear his name.”

“That sucks,” Akiko said again.

Kit sighed. “It does. If I did just let him do his thing... would I be using him?”

“Maybe. Would he mind?”

“No, I don’t think he’d mind.”

“Then let him.”

“He’s a suspect.”

“Did he harass anyone? Trespass anywhere?”


“Then he has a right to talk to anyone he pleases. And if he passes on what he’s learned, then all the better for you.”

“Unless he gets hurt.”

“His life is on the line, Kit. Desperate people often don’t care if they get hurt.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of. He’s desperate and I’m taking advantage by turning him loose.”

“Does he want this killer off the streets, too?”


“Does he seem to know his own mind?”


“Then let him try. As long as he’s not breaking the law, you can’t really stop him. Can you?”

“No. But I still feel like I should try.”

Akiko was quiet as the seconds ticked by. “You care what he thinks about you.”

“I think I do.” And she hated that. But it wasn’t Sam’s fault.

“Look, Mom said you napped at her place, but to make you go back to sleep when you got home. So into bed with you. You get out of these clothes and into your pj’s. There’s rocky road in the freezer, too. I thought we’d celebrate Rita’s mom’s killer’s arrest, but it’ll do for hurt feelings, too.”

“My feelings aren’t—” Kit stopped herself because Akiko was shaking her head.

“You’re human, Kit. Your feelings can be hurt. You don’t have to be all grrr all the time.”

So forgive me for being human, Detective.

She had, of course. Forgiven him. Maybe forgive yourself, too?

Obediently Kit changed her clothes and got the rocky road from the freezer, smiling when she saw it was lactose free so Akiko could have some, too. Grabbing two spoons, she crawled into bed where Akiko was already snuggled under the blankets.