Page 72 of Cold-Blooded Liar

One side of his mouth lifted. “Thanks, but it was stupid.”

She shook her head. “You cared, Dr.Reeves. That’s never stupid.” Then she seemed to realize that she’d strayed from the topic. “We know he had four ex-wives and no children.”

“Thankfully,” Constantine muttered and Sam had to agree with that.

“Definitely,” McKittrick said. “His parents are deceased and we didn’t see any brothers or sisters in his background check. Did he ever mention any other family?”

“No. He was fascinated with famous people almost to the point of obsession. He knew about their affairs, divorces, and their children. He claimed to be buddy-buddy with them, teaching them new skills and partying hard with them.”

“He also claimed to have been a Navy SEAL,” McKittrick said.

Sam sighed. “Yes, he did. I never confronted his lies, though. There was no point. But we did discuss the difference between lies and illegal lies. He seemed to be surprised that claiming to be in the military was a crime. He blustered about it, saying his neighbor was too thin-skinned and couldn’t take a joke.”

McKittrick scowled. “His neighbor served and was permanently disabled after a combat injury.”

Sam hadn’t known that. “What Colton did to him is even worse, then.”

“Did he ever threaten you?”

“Yes, once. During our last session on Friday.” Was that really only three days ago? “He said he wanted to skip a session to go to a party in London. I told him that his probation officer would have to approve it and he came at me. I have to admit, for a few seconds I was... alarmed.” Scared shitless was more like it, but whatever.

“I guess so, knowing what he’d done to his neighbor,” McKittrick said with a commiserating smile. “Was he on any kind of medication?”

Sam hesitated, because that was protected information, even though Colton was dead. “Not according to him.”

McKittrick tilted her head. “But you know that he was?”

“I can’t say.”

She sighed. “Right. HIPAA and all that. Okay. Can you tell us if he was seeing a psychiatrist who might have prescribed something?”

“Like what?”

It was McKittrick’s turn to hesitate, but she met his eyes directly. “Sleeping pills.”

Sam considered his options because there had to be a good reason she was asking. Finally, he shook his head in an exaggerated fashion while saying, “I can’t say.”

Her smile was quick. “Got it. So we should be checking for other medications. Thank you. Did he ever mention driving anywhere?”

“No. His license was suspended. Although I don’t suppose that would have stopped him. If he drove to any of our sessions, I wouldn’t know, but he was supposed to be taking a city bus or the trolley.”

“Did he mention that he had weekend plans?” Constantine asked. “Maybe meeting someone that evening?”

Sam started to reply, then closed his mouth. This was important. Why were they asking? Colton was dead, his murders ending with him. Unless...

Holy shit. “Did Colton have a partner?”

Both detectives flinched, although it was minute. “Why do you ask that?” Constantine asked, his tone appearing easy, but there was an underlying belligerence that couldn’t be ignored.

“Because you asked if he was meeting someone and if he had friends. He’s dead, so that shouldn’t matter unless he had a partner or an accomplice.”

Constantine’s expression darkened. “Fucking shrinks.”

Sam shrugged. “Sorry. Did he?”

“We don’t know,” McKittrick said, and Sam almost believed her.

Except... Sleeping pills. Partners. Accomplices. Sam sucked in a breath at an unwelcome thought. “I’ve got to stop watching true crime with my mother.”