Page 50 of Cold-Blooded Liar

“No, sir,” Joel said. “The detectives dropped all charges and thanked him for aiding them in closing a case.” He gave Sam a sly look. “I think Detective McKittrick even liked him.”

Sam rolled his eyes, wishing he hadn’t told Joel about her smiling at him. As the adrenaline rush had faded, the more irritated he’d become. He’d liked and respected McKittrick before this. Now... Well, maybe he still respected her, but he didn’t like her anymore. “She gave me a dog biscuit for Siggy because they’d scared him.”

“And she smiled at him,” Joel told Sam’s dad in a conspiratorial whisper. “Detective McKittrick never smiles. Not even at me and I’m... well, I’m me.”

Ann laughed. “Yes, Joel, dear. You are you, and we’re grateful for you every day. Can I get you any more lasagna?”

It seemed his parents had taken Sam’s cue and let the subject drop and for that he was profoundly grateful.

“No, ma’am, but thank you for offering. My appetite is depressed.” Joel grimaced in distaste. “Seeing Laura does that to me.”

Bill scowled at the name. “Laura? Why did you see that—” He cut himself off before he could finish the sentence. His parents’ disgust for Laura Letterman knew no bounds.

Joel rolled his eyes. “Sam called her to represent him.”

Sam winced when both his parents turned to him, expressions sour. “She was the only defense attorney I knew offhand.”

His father stared. “Sam! I can’t believe you didn’t know another lawyer to call. Her, of all people.”

Sam gave Joel a look that promised retribution. Joel just grinned back at him. He instinctively knew all the buttons to push. That was probably one of the things that made him such a good prosecutor.

“I was in a panic, Dad. If I’d been in my right mind, I’d have just let them get me a public defender.”

Although Laura had been far more helpful than he’d anticipated, keeping him levelheaded. Still, it had been a relief to see her go when they’d finished at the police station.

“Or you could have called us,” Bill grumbled. “I don’t know any defense attorneys but I sure as hell would have found you a better one than that bi—”

“Bill,” Ann said sharply, interrupting him. “She’s an awful woman, but we will not stoop to calling her bad names.”

His mother rarely cursed and lectured Sam and his dad every time they did so.

“I didn’t want to worry you,” Sam said. “I’d have never forgiven myself if this misunderstanding caused you to relapse from the stress.”

Bill rolled his eyes. “I’m fine. I’m staying on my new diet and everything. I didn’t even have any of that lasagna.”

“Because I wouldn’t let him,” Ann said archly.

Bill really was doing so much better on the new regimen. He’d accepted that his life had to change after his stroke, but he still loved to care for his family, so he continued making the meals they enjoyed.

“At least we know why you didn’t eat much last night,” Bill said. “I thought I’d added too much salt or something.”

“Nope. It’s as delicious as always.” Joel rose, holding his dirty dishes. “Now that you’ve fed me, I’m going home to sleep. I didn’t get much last night.”

Ann frowned. “I thought Sam didn’t call you until dawn.”

“It was five a.m.,” Joel corrected. “And I hadn’t slept before—” He stopped, looking embarrassed when Sam’s mom bit her lip to keep from laughing.

“I see,” she said. “Who was it this time? Do we know her?”

Joel’s reputation as a womanizer was well known. Sam wondered how much of that was Joel trying not to get hurt again. Laura’s betrayal had devastated Sam, but it had somehow been worse for Joel when she’d done the same to him.

It was, however, the shared experience that had brought them together. Joel was the best friend he’d ever had, so while Sam wasn’t grateful to Laura for cheating on him, he’d accepted it as one of those clouds with a silver lining.

Joel sighed. “Amber from the records department, and no, you don’t know her.”

“Well, if you ever find the one, you bring her home to us,” Ann said. “We will treat her like a queen.”

“Translated,” Bill said, “Ann will skewer her with questions to make sure she’s good enough for you.”