Page 184 of Cold-Blooded Liar

“It was the least I could do.”

They were quiet for a moment, then Sam asked, “What about that guy Brian who helped Colton’s ex-wives? Was he involved?”

“We don’t think so. He helps victims of domestic violence divorce their abusers. He seems to be just a nice guy.” Like you, she wanted to say, but bit it back.

Sam ran his thumb over the carving of Siggy. “How is Lieutenant Navarro? I’ve been worried about him. He’s got to be feeling a lot of guilt.”

“That’s an understatement. I don’t know how he’s doing. He’s gone on leave. That Scott used him for so long, that Scott went out of his way to use those damn pink handcuffs just to taunt him... It was cruel.”

“It was a betrayal of Navarro’s trust.”

“All of our trust. Those of us who were Scott’s patients are going to have serious trust issues with any therapist.”

Something flickered in Sam’s eyes. Sadness? Disappointment, maybe? “With me, too?”

Kit opened her mouth to deny it, but she couldn’t. She wouldn’t lie to this man. “Probably.”

Sam swallowed. “But you trusted me.”

She wanted to look away, but she couldn’t. “I did, yes.”

“Do you still?”

She hesitated and his sadness grew even stronger.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

He didn’t smile. Didn’t nod. Didn’t tell her that everything was fine.

“If I weren’t a psychologist, would you have called me Sam when you sat down this morning? Would you have wanted this to be a date?”

Once again, she opened her mouth and closed it again, searching for the right words. Because he was waiting patiently.

“I...” She reached down to scratch Snick’s head. “Maybe? But I’m not a good bet. For anyone. But especially for you.”

He flinched and the sight hurt her heart. “Because I’m a shrink?”

Yes. “Because you’re nice. And kind. And sincere.”

“I think I hate that word,” he murmured. “ ‘Sincere.’ ”

“Don’t. It makes you... you.”

He still didn’t smile. “What happens next?”

“I go back to work tomorrow and fill out reams of paperwork. You go back to work tomorrow and keep doing good. I figure out how to work with Connor because Baz isn’t coming back. Rita goes to therapy.”

And Mom and Pop look at me sadly because I’m telling this nice man to go away.

He was quiet for a long moment. “So this is goodbye?”

No. No. No. The butterflies were now bees and she felt physically ill. But she said what she needed to say. “It’s best that it is.”

He nodded once. “Very well. I won’t bother you anymore.”

She swallowed, her eyes stinging. “You didn’t bother me before.”

“Well, I’m bothering you now, by being who and what I am. Will you do something for me, though?”