Page 174 of Cold-Blooded Liar

She nodded once, rising to point her gun at Scott, as if he could magically get out of the cuffs. Maybe he could. Sam wasn’t negating any possibilities at this point. “Can you wait with her?” she asked. “She might be in shock.”

Sam should have thought of that. “Of course.” He hesitated for a moment, contemplating kicking Scott in the head for trying to frame him. But that wouldn’t do any good, so he backed away, confident that Kit had it under control.

He lowered himself to the ground next to Rita. “Hey, honey. You with me?”

Rita stared up at him, blinking dazedly. “Dr.Sam?”

“Yeah. You’re going to be okay.”

“Kit came for me.”

“Of course she did. She always will.”

As Sam’s heart slowed, he thought about the approaching police. He pulled his cell phone from his pocket and dialed the only cop whose number, other than Kit’s, he had stored in his contacts.

“Yeah?” Baz answered, his voice tense.

“She’s okay,” Sam said. “We were in time. Rita’s alive and Kit’s got the bastard in cuffs.”

“Oh my God,” Baz said on a shuddered exhale. “Oh my God.”

Sam didn’t like the sound of the man’s breathing. “Are you all right, Detective?”

“Yes. I am now. I was so damn scared. Never been so damn scared in my life. She didn’t see it when we talked, but I was terrified.”

“You didn’t show it.”

“You went with her.”

Sam looked around the RAV4, able to see Kit standing guard, her gun still pointed at Scott. “Yeah, I did. Helped save the day, too. Hit Scott with a shovel.”

“You’re okay, Doc. And I am so sorry for threatening your dog.”

Sam laughed, aware that he sounded more than a little manic. “You already apologized. Can you call Navarro? I don’t have his number in my phone. Tell him we’re in the rose garden.”

“I’ll do that right now. Thank you, Sam. Thank you.”

Sam ended the call and dialed 911, reporting their location to Dispatch. He sounded pretty damn calm. Go me.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, sirens began to wail, growing louder. He could see flashing lights in the distance.

And then the beams of a dozen Maglites cutting through the darkness.

Detectives Navarro and Robinson were the first to arrive. Robinson ran to relieve Kit while Navarro dropped to his knees next to Rita and unlocked the cuffs.

“Hey, sweetheart,” Navarro said softly. “We have an ambulance coming.” He looked at Sam. “You want a job as a cop?”

He was joking, right? He had to be joking. “Um, no, thank you.”

Rita tugged on Sam’s hand and he bent down to listen. “He didn’t do it,” she whispered.

Sam frowned. “He didn’t do what?”

“Touch me. That way. At least I don’t think so. I know how it feels after.”

Sam went cold, his first thought that she shouldn’t know what sex—consensual or not—felt like. She was thirteen. Then he realized that Scott had lied again, trying to throw Kit off her game.

The man had been terrified of Kit, even while he’d held the power.