Page 141 of Cold-Blooded Liar

Unfortunately, he did. “I’ll think on it. Hopefully we will have unearthed something in Colton’s backyard that will help us know the questions to ask.”

She followed them to the door, her gaze settling on Sam’s shoes. And she had absolutely not checked him out on her way down to his feet. “Wait. That is a brand-new pair of Top-Siders, Dr.Reeves. The shoes you wore to the park were also Top-Siders. Why did you pick that shoe if you don’t like boats? It’s a boating shoe.”

Joel snickered, nudging Sam with his elbow. “Tell her, Sammy.”

Sam’s sigh was aggrieved. “They were on clearance, so I bought several pairs. Unlike my friend here, I’m unwilling to spend a month’s salary on a pair of shoes. And I’ve broken in those Top-Siders you took, so they’re comfortable. I’d like to get them back someday.”

Because they’d held on to his shoes as evidence. “You will eventually. Thank you for coming all this way to tell me about Ms.Gadd.”

He turned to meet her eyes. So damn nice. “You’re welcome, Detective.”

She waited until their footsteps trailed up the dock before releasing the breath she’d been holding, then closed the door with her foot. Stepping back to the galley, she washed the dishes as she called Navarro.

His response was equally explosive. “Driscoll buried something in the backyard?”

“I think so. I should have looked.”

“We did a cursory check, but yeah. We should have had the GPR guys out already. Did you call them?”

“My next phone call. I’ll call Sergeant Ryland and have him set up spotlights so they can do their scans.” Finished with the dishes, she turned to her printer and scanned the pages, quickly finding what she’d already expected. “Also, I’ve just reviewed the cell phone records for both Dr.Reeves and Skyler Carville on the night she was killed. She got a text from Dr.Reeves’s phone number, but there was no outgoing text from Reeves’s cell. The killer spoofed Reeves’s number.”

“Sloppy on the killer’s part,” Navarro said.

“Maybe. I’m betting he didn’t think that Sam would give us access to his phone so readily.”

“Sam?” Navarro asked quietly.

Kit cursed silently. “Sorry. Dr.Reeves.”

“Are you going to shadow him on his next call? Because I’m guessing that asking him to stop talking to our witnesses isn’t going to work.”

“I said I would, but he’s worried they won’t open up to me.”

“Nonsense. People open up for you. That’s why you’re such a good closer.”

His confidence made her feel better. “Thank you. This case has me—” Doubting myself. She’d barely stopped herself from saying it. “Off balance.”

“I know. And I also know that I’ve been preaching at you not to burn the candle at both ends, but tonight is an exception. The sooner we find out what Driscoll buried—if anything—the sooner we can put a killer down for good.” He hesitated. “Did you go to your appointment tonight?”

“I did. And it might have helped. A little.”

He snorted. “A glowing recommendation from you. All right. Call CSU. I’ll meet you over there in an hour or so. I’m not in the city right now.”

Not for the first time she wondered what Navarro got up to when he wasn’t in the office, but it wasn’t her place to ask. Maybe he was on a date.

The notion made her happy. Which was how Harlan must have felt tonight when he thought she’d been on a date.

She hated disappointing the man she loved most in the world, but Harlan was going to have to wait for her to date. She had far too much to accomplish first.

Starting with digging up Colton Driscoll’s backyard.

SDPD, San Diego, California

Wednesday, April 20, 3:15 a.m.

“Is he almost done?” Navarro muttered.

Sergeant Ryland glared at them over his shoulder as he processed the evidence they’d found in Colton Driscoll’s backyard. The GPR had found the mother lode—thirty hard drives buried in a small vault under the firepit. When CSU had moved the firepit aside, the GPR had given them a readout of dozens of bricklike items.