Page 123 of Cold-Blooded Liar

“I know,” Kit said. “How did you even get into Driscoll’s house? Didn’t he have an alarm?”

“If he did, it didn’t go off. I waited for him to go to work, then I went in through his garage door. It was a flimsy lock. There’s a YouTube video on how to pick them.”

Of course there is. “Just... stay out of people’s houses, okay? And no more recording people without consent.”

“I won’t,” Maureen promised.

“Thank you. Now, to the video. It answers a lot of questions.” It also confirmed that the Top-Siders on Driscoll’s feet had been an attempt to connect him to Jaelyn Watts’s grave near the pond in the park. How Driscoll’s killer had known about the footprint was currently unknown. She’d put it on her follow-up list, because it was a critical point. Tamsin Kavanaugh hadn’t included that detail in her article.

Kit would also bet that the bag the masked man carried had held brand-new handcuffs and a can of sparkly pink spray paint. It was all planted.

So what had Driscoll actually done?

He’d known about at least three of the victims—Jaelyn’s grave in Longview Park, Cecilia’s lacrosse, and Naomi’s love of Avondale—but had he been involved in killing them?

And what was on those hard drives his killer had taken from his safe?

“But it also threatens my daughter,” David said. “If Driscoll’s partner finds out that she made the video, her life is in danger.”

“We can ask for a safe house,” Kit said, “but it might be better if you all went out of town for a little while. Maybe visit out-of-state family?”

Maureen looked at Laura Letterman. “What do you think I should do?”

“I think going away sounds like a good idea,” the lawyer said. “But I’ll make the arrangements and get you a rental car. I’ll pick you up and take you to the rental car. Pay for gas with cash. That way no one can track you.” She smiled at Maureen. “Just in case.”

“We’ll go,” David said. “But for how long? I can’t take off work forever and Maureen has school.”

“Get your wife and daughter settled wherever you decide to go,” Laura said. “Then you can come back. I can find a place for you to stay until it’s safe for Maureen to return. Tell her teachers that you have a family emergency and have to go away. Ask if Maureen can do her subjects virtually. If you run into issues, let me know. Plan on leaving tonight.”

Kit chanced a glance at Sam, expecting him to be focused on his ex-girlfriend. His lawyer. Whatever. But he was watching Kit, his expression kind of sad, and she spared a second to wonder why before turning back to Maureen.

“Do you have any copies of the video?” Kit asked.

The girl shook her head. “I don’t. That’s the original, on my laptop. Do you need to take it?”

“Afraid so. At least until we download the video onto our server. We’ll scrub it from your laptop afterward.”

That Maureen had obtained the evidence illegally wasn’t likely to be a problem. There was precedent for police to use evidence obtained by private citizens, even if illegally obtained. The citizen had to face the consequences for however they’d gotten the evidence, but Maureen would do that.

Kit would keep her promise to do everything possible to keep this from ruining Maureen’s life, because she understood the need to do something to avenge her family. Luckily Harlan had kept Kit from doing anything stupid back then.

Navarro touched Kit’s shoulder. “I’ll be going. I can take the laptop with me.”

“Thank you. I’ll ask CSU to go over that beam in Driscoll’s house again. Hopefully the rope he used to haul Driscoll up left some trace evidence. See you back at the office.”

Navarro pointedly looked at his watch. “Remember.”

She wanted to forget that she had an appointment with Dr.Scott tonight, but Navarro would follow through on his threat and make her go more often.

But if this killer suspected they were getting closer, would he kill another Skyler Carville to further incriminate Sam Reeves, trying to throw them off his scent? They needed to solve this case soon.

But it was just one hour out of her life, so she nodded. “Of course.”

Navarro shifted his pointed gaze to Reeves. “Dr.Reeves, thank you for this information. Please don’t do it again.”

“Of course,” Sam said mildly.

Kit didn’t need to be a shrink to know that meant Sam was totally doing it again.