Page 100 of Cold-Blooded Liar

Kit exhaled, relieved. She wasn’t sure what she’d ever done to deserve the McKittricks, but she was so glad she hadn’t had to do anything to earn their love. It was the purest thing she knew.

Giving herself a minute to wake up, she scrolled through her texts.

Baz: Come and spring me out of this joint. Stat!

Baz: Why aren’t you answering? Are you okay? Now I’m worried.

Baz: Called Harlan. Says you’re asleep. About time, kid. Call me tomorrow. Marian is taking my phone away now. Won’t let me text at night. She is a beast. Don’t tell her I said that please.

Kit smiled. Baz’s love for his wife was another pure thing. They were so good together.

She went through another few texts, deleting the spam, then paused at a number she didn’t recognize. She clicked on the text and barely restrained a gasp.

Sam Reeves here. New number since you have my phone. I have some things to share with you. Please call me as soon as you can.

He’d sent the text at six fifteen, so it must have been the buzz she’d felt right before she went to sleep. She debated whether it was too late to text back, then thought, Screw it. This sounds important.

Apologies. I didn’t see your text till now. Too late to call? She hit send and waited. A few seconds later he replied.

Still awake. I did something you probably won’t like, but I learned important details.

Kit stared at the text for a few hard beats of her heart. What had he done?

Forcing herself to remain calm, she tapped out her reply. Give me fifteen minutes. Need to get food and then go somewhere where I don’t wake up the house. And why she’d explained, she didn’t know.

No problem. Will wait for your call.

She started to call for Snick, but her dog looked comfortable in Rita’s arms, so she left them to sleep. Time to work.


Hillcrest, California

Monday, April 18, 11:15 p.m.

Joel sighed. “Sam, you’re making me crazy. Sit the fuck down.”

Sam glared at him. “I’m freaking out. I’m allowed to pace.”

After the adrenaline from his visit to the Beckhams’ home had passed, he’d panicked. What had he been thinking? McKittrick was going to level him and he’d deserve it.

Visiting the victim of a crime that way.

But you got the goods. She wasn’t able to. You did good, Sammy.

His feet stumbled to a stop. “She can’t do anything to me.”

“I wouldn’t bet on that. She’s pretty vicious if you fuck up her crime scene. I did once by accident and, let me tell you, I will never be so careless again.”

Sam blinked at him. “What did you do?”

“Walked into a crime scene without putting those footie things over my shoes. Cross-contaminated the scene. I had to surrender my shoes to CSU and everything. Took me a month to get them back and they were my Ferragamos.”

“You poor baby,” Sam said dryly because Joel sounded so outraged. “If you’d bought normal shoes like normal people, you wouldn’t have been so upset at losing them.” Why anyone would pay that much for a pair of shoes was beyond Sam. He’d thought his Top-Siders were expensive. Buying them had been his quarterly splurge and they’d been on sale. Joel’s shoes cost ten times as much. Insanity.

“I am normal people. I just like nice shoes. Anyway, Ryland from CSU told me later that they’d been done with the shoes after two days, but McKittrick had kept them for the rest of the month as petty revenge.” He gave Sam a pitying look. “And I never even said a word to any witnesses.”

Sam scowled at him. “I was starting to feel better.”