
I pull into my driveway after sneaking out a back door of the resort instead of going through the lobby. I don’t need to be back on Buzz Wheel’s radar.

Harper is still at Palmer’s when I drive up to my house. I knock, and Harper already has her coat on when she answers the back door.

“Hey, Romeo,” she says with a grin. “Give me five.” She raises her hand.

“What are you talking about?” I ask, not returning the high five.

“You’re not fun.” She lowers her hand. “You think you can keep something from me? I know the two of you were getting all hot and heavy while I was watching your kid.”

Fuck, no way did Palmer tell her, but then again, Harper, along with Linus, are the cousins Palmer is closest to. It could be a good sign or a bad sign that she sought out advice from Harper. Who knows what she told her?

“Don’t get upset. Linus called me last night. You were missing your white horse, but kudos, buddy. I love the fact that you busted in there and broke up their date.”

I feel my cheeks redden. I owe Matt an apology for what I did. All this time, I told him I was cool with it, then their first real date, I break it up and end up sleeping with Palmer. “Did you talk to her about it?”

Harper can’t lie. She gives away so much with her face, so I really hope no one asks her point-blank if Palmer and I are sleeping together. She glances at her car in Palmer’s driveway. “I have to go. Adley’s having her nap, and the monitor is on.” Then she walks toward her car.


She rocks her head back and turns around with an exaggerated movement as if I’m nagging her, and she’s a sixteen-year-old. “Whhhaaaattt?”

God help me when Adley’s a teenager.

“Tell me what she said.”

She shakes her head. “My alliance is with Palmer, but I really want the two of you to work out, so let me just say, she’s not going to run. That’s all I can tell you.”

That’s enough for me.

I smile. “Thanks. Bye.”

I step inside and shut the door, not waiting for her to respond. When I turn and look through the window, Harper narrows her eyes and flips me off before walking to her car.

I laugh and walk into the family room. The monitor is on the coffee table, but I head upstairs and peek into Adley’s room. She’s fast asleep, giving me some time for my own nap. After last night, I need the rest.

I sprawl out on the couch, but before I try to nod off, I pull out my phone. I need to get this conversation over with.

Matt answers on the first ring. “Hey, prick,” he says with a lightness in his tone.

“I just wanted to apologize.”

“Don’t worry, I poured all my angst into a hot blonde I met at the bar.” He laughs.

And that’s why I didn’t want Palmer to be with him, although I don’t think she was looking for anything serious with him.

“Still. I gave you the green light and then shoved you out of the car. Not cool on my part.”

He’s silent for a moment. “Just do me a favor and don’t blow it. You guys obviously have feelings for one another, and I get that emotions run hot. I have no idea why you didn’t get together sooner. Don’t let the little shit get in the way. I say that as a child of divorced parents who have each remarried twice.”

“Thanks, man.”

“I’m serious, Hudson. I get you’re all hot for one another right now, but the lust will fade, and you don’t want Adley to be collateral damage. “

“It’s not like that. Not for me.”

“That’s good to hear. I just remember you back in the day.”