
I walk into the ski lodge and find Matt Peterson waiting for me in a comfy brown leather chair in front of the roaring fire. He’s already grabbed the attention of a woman who isn’t dressed in snow gear, which could mean she doesn’t even know she’s talking to a gold medal snowboarder.

Matt is nearing the end of his career, but demanding one more go at a medal. So he sought me out to help him come up with some new moves to impress the judges. It feels a little odd, since for the past four years I’ve only been a ski instructor, but before Palmer got knocked up and we had Adley, I’d been a big deal, at least in the extreme snow sports arena.

Matt sees me and nods, quickly dismissing the woman. What does he care? He’ll have another whenever he wants. The man has the reputation of a playboy.

“Hey, man.” We shake hands.

I nod toward the woman who’s across the room now. “And who’s that?”

He shakes his head, his dark hair tumbling over his eyes for a second. “Just some slope bunny pretending she doesn’t know who I am.”

“Strike one,” I say, knowing his MO. “How did you know?”

“She asked me how I liked boarding in Beijing.” He laughs. “She didn’t even realize how much she fucked up.”

Both of us look in her direction to find her gaze still on Matt.

“And I didn’t tell her. Come on, I’m anxious to get out there.” He walks by me to the doors, and I wave to the people I know.

I fall in line with him, both of us grabbing our boards on the way out. “Still not settling down?”

“Still playing daddy?” He raises an eyebrow.

“I am a dad, so there is no playing.”

He laughs. “Not many would give up what you did.”

“She’s worth it all and then some.” I grab my phone out of my pocket and pull up Adley’s picture.

He looks at it, then at me. “Adorable.”

But as with most reactions from Matt, I can’t figure out if he’s being sarcastic or not. I don’t think he’s the type to ever settle down. He’s more the perpetual playboy who will die doing some crazy stunt at seventy-nine or something.

“I know. She’s the best.”

His gaze bounces to my left hand. “At least you’re still single.”

“I am, but I’m seeing someone.”

He holds his board while we wait for the lift. “I shouldn’t be surprised, I guess.”

A minute later, we’re sitting in the warm gondola, moving up the mountain. “Why wouldn’t you be surprised?”

He chuckles as if there’s an inside joke only he knows. “I took an Uber into downtown Lake Starlight last night, and there doesn’t seem to be anything crazy to do except get drunk and get a stupid tattoo. The stares I got when I walked into that bar, Lucky’s.” He shakes his head.

“I thought you’d be used to stares by now.”

“Not stares like I walked into a private party during a speech. Finally, it got a little better when the owner, Van, offered me an empty stool and a drink on the house.”

I laugh. “Van is my baby mama’s cousin’s husband.”

“He’s what?” He chuckles. “I forgot you moved here because of her and her big-ass family.”

The gondola is almost to the top, so we prepare to get out. “I like my life.” I step out first, with Matt right behind me.

“But do you love it?” His eyebrows rise as he secures his helmet and pulls down his goggles.