Did he talk? Bea asked so maybe he could relate.

When he had to, yes. To get our attention. Honestly, I don’t remember it being an issue, but now that you ask, I realize he never talked much outside of the immediate family.

Bea nodded. I got the cochlear implants, and they’re great, but I’m still self-conscious.

He reached across the table and took her hand between his. Bea thought her heart might beat out of her chest.

You don’t have to feel like that with me. I really like you, and I’d like us to get to know each other better. If you want to do that using sign language, I’m good. You can decide what you’re comfortable with.

Bea thought she might faint right there, and then he’d have to call an ambulance. Who was this guy, and how did she get so lucky for their paths to meet?

Okay, I’ll give it some thought. Thanks. She nodded.

He smiled and shook his head good-naturedly that she was still signing, but luckily, they were interrupted by the food arriving.

One bite had Bea moaning, and Pete’s head sprang up to look at her. Something heated was resting between them. She wanted him and she was almost certain he wanted her. All she wanted to do was finish her food and see where he’d take her next. She hoped it was his place.

He dropped his fork and raised his hands. Make noises like that, and we won’t finish our meal.

Bea wiped her hands on the napkin. Are you suggesting something? Finally, we’re flirting, Bea thought.

I’m suggesting that you should eat because you’ll need the energy for what I have planned after this.

Her body heated and warmth spread through her veins at the thought of going home with him. Who says I’m going home with you?

He looked her dead in the eyes. Who said anything about my place? I was going to take you paintballing.

Bea’s head rocked back, and she laughed out loud despite herself. Pete laughed with her, and the sound filled the entire restaurant. The men on the stools circled around for a moment to look, but Bea didn’t care. She was enjoying herself, and that’s all there was to it. She knew in that moment that Pete was going to be a part of her life in some capacity.

Two headlights assaulted them through the diner window as a car’s tires screeched to a halt in the parking lot. They turned in unison to watch a young woman with a long blonde ponytail get out of the car. She slammed the door and took a bat out of her truck.

“Oh fuck,” Pete said, sliding out of the booth.

Bea watched as her heart slipped inch by inch into her stomach. Pete ran outside, and his hand landed on the bat before she could hit the hood of his SUV. She started yelling, and though Bea couldn’t tell what they were saying, it was clear that Pete was trying to calm her down. All the old men in the diner had circled around to watch the show, and Bea sat in the booth feeling like an idiot, watching the two of them arguing.

Bea picked up her cell phone and ordered an Uber. She knew better than to think there was something as silly as a soulmate. Whatever she’d felt with Pete was hormones only, and clearly, he probably felt that with a lot of women and then moved on. She’d learned from a young age that men and women do shitty things to one another when they fully give themselves over to someone else. That was the entire reason she’d sworn she’d never get married.

Pete was still arguing with the woman when Bea’s Uber arrived. He at least looked back at her once, putting up a finger to say give him a minute while the woman raised her middle finger at Bea and screamed something. But Bea slid out of the booth and slipped into the Uber.

So much for Prince Charming and happily ever afters, Bea thought as she drove away.

Another chapter done. God, that felt good. I shut my laptop and put it in my bag. Since Adley’s fall, I want to be with her every minute, so although I should be writing, I’m picking her up and taking her to Sweet Suga Things.

I’m just about out of the cabin when my phone vibrates.


As much time as I’ve been trying to spend time with Adley, I’ve been dodging Hudson. The night of the accident, he came downstairs after she’d fallen asleep, and I tried to act normal. As if we hadn’t fought and these weird thoughts about him weren’t filling my head. As if I didn’t know that his girlfriend was waiting for him outside.

I waved from the couch, and he wavered, probably wanting to talk about our argument, until I told him that Theresa was waiting outside because she didn’t want to come in. He left my place. Eventually, Theresa drove off, and he went into his house. I sat on the couch wondering what had changed between us. Where were these feelings coming from?

I’m out anyway so I can get Adley.

Usually, I’d take him up on the offer, but I’m already outside of the cabin.

I’m happy to. Going to take her out.

What about your deadline?