My hand covers my heart. I hate that we have to explain all this to her.

“Because Mommy and I sleep at our own houses.”

“Why? Because of Theresa?”

“We talked about this, Adley. I love Mommy, but not the kind of love that makes us sleep together in the same bed.”

I purse my lips to stop myself from laughing.

“I want you to sleep here,” she whines.

“I’ll tell you what, I’ll sleep with you until you fall asleep.” I hear some squeaking from him getting on the bed.


“Yeah, sweetie.”

“Tell me a story.”

“What kind of story?” he asks.

“One with Mommy.”

“I can do that. So, it was a snowy night, and this brunette walked into a…an ice cream shop and I was working behind the counter…”

I slide down the wall onto my ass, hearing him tell her a story that’s similar to the first time I met him—except this time, the guy buys her the biggest ice cream sundae, and they fall in love like a fairy tale.

Sometimes I wonder what would’ve happened had we met one another under different circumstances. Would we both be in there with Adley? Would there be no Theresa or Matt? Would we only have one mortgage and raise our daughter as a couple in love?

But those thoughts are useless, so I stand and head downstairs, not wanting the newly raised questions in my head to mess with me. Our life is good. We’re good, and whatever this is going on with me, it needs to stop. Hudson and I have a good thing going, and we can’t mess that up, no matter how much I might ponder the what-ifs.