
A throat clears from behind me, and Hudson pulls away from me with a force I’m not prepared for, sending my hip into the railing of Adley’s hospital bed.


“Theresa, hey,” he says, sounding nervous.

The look on Theresa’s face says she’s misunderstood what was just happening. “When Sedona and Jamison came out, I figured it would be okay to come in. I wanted to check on Adley.”

I hate that she talks as if she’s friends with my parents. She’d met them once, and it was in passing.

“Of course.” Hudson puts his arm around her waist, leading her over to the hospital bed. “Her scans came back good, so they’re getting her discharge papers together. It’s just the stitches along her forehead that are coming with her.”

“So not life-threatening. The way you two were clinging together…” Her eyes meet mine.

Usually I let her passive-aggressive comments go because I’m not one to start shit, but I raise my hands to sign. Then I figure fuck it, she needs to hear this from me, in my own voice. “We didn’t know the situation until we got in here. You know what it’s like to fear that your child is injured. The relief made me emotional.”

Her expression shifts so fast, I want to roll my eyes. Up until today, I’ve never had a problem with Theresa. Other than I have never thought she was a good fit for Hudson. She’s so put together, I worry that one day she’ll have Hudson at some office job, picking up Adley in a suit and tie, and I know he’d grow to resent it. I’d hate to see him turn into one of those guys who says yes to everything his wife wants because he’s afraid of her wrath.

“Of course, I understand. I just always find your relationship so odd, it takes me back a bit. My ex wouldn’t touch me unless he had to resuscitate me. And even then, it’d be questionable.” She laughs, but no one else does.

Well, Hudson smiles to appease the situation. Jeez, it’s already starting.

Thankfully, Theresa turns to Adley. “Sweetie, your grandma said you just jumped for the fire pole. Why would you jump?”

I eye Hudson with a not-so-nice expression. I’m annoyed she’s in here, let alone judging my three-year-old’s decisions.

“It looked fun.” Adley smiles at her.

“But those other kids were older, right?”

I keep my gaze on Hudson because if he doesn’t get Theresa out of here, I’m going to say something. It’s not her job to scold my child. Even Adley’s eyes are scrunched up.

“We don’t need to talk about it now,” Hudson says.

Adley turns to me. “Mommy?”

“Yeah.” I take her hand.

“Can we go home?”

I lift my hands to sign, As soon as Nurse Allie comes back with the paperwork.

“Can I have another popsicle?” Her eyes are wide with excitement.

“We’ll see,” I say out loud. I take the popsicle stick out of her hand, throw it away, then turn toward Hudson. “If you two want to go, I’ll get her home.” Really what I mean is that if Theresa would like to leave, I’m happy to open the door for her.

“I’m not going anywhere,” Hudson says. “I’ll take her home.”

“No, I can take her home.” If he thinks I’m going to let my little girl out of my sight, he’s mistaken.

“I’m not having Matt drive her home. If you want to be with her, you can come with me.”

Hudson is an easygoing guy. Rarely does he get up in arms about anything. Except if it has to do with our daughter—like now, for instance. Our past tells me he won’t let this go, so I give in to try to prevent an argument. We’re already too tense with each other tonight.

“We took an Uber, so you can drive us both.”

His eyes bore into mine for a few seconds. “Fine. We’ll caravan it back to our houses.”