“Ready?” he said, and she nodded. He held his hand out, and she walked in front of him toward the door.

Once outside, the cold air whipped around them. The only light came from the light poles in the parking lot. Darkness surrounded them in the small mountain town. He led her over to an SUV that had seen better days. It was rusty along the edges, and there were stickers on the back about snowboarding and different brands that made snowboarding equipment. He had a rack on top she guessed usually held his boards.

He opened the door, and she slid inside, surprised at how clean it was. She’d half expected to find empty energy drink cans and fast-food bags everywhere, but other than salt damage on the floor mats, it was spotless. It even smelled nice, as if he knew this would happen and had just come from the car wash.

He rounded the SUV and climbed in, then started the car, pointing the heating vents in her direction. “I don’t want to take you home.”

Oh shit, you are going to kill me. Let me call my mom first.

He chuckled, and those eyes sparkled again. “I meant more along the lines of do you want to get something to eat?”

She felt her cheeks warm. He was just as interested as her and that brought on the flutters in her stomach. Sure.

He nodded, and before she realized it, they were pulling away from the bar. She had a really good feeling about this guy and hoped her gut was leading her in the right direction. But when she peeked at his profile, she didn’t care much even if it was the wrong one. She wanted something to happen tonight, and she’d take it for herself if she had to.

By the time I get home, it’s past dinner. My stomach growls as I pull into the driveway and into my garage. I have nothing much to eat at my place because I’m planning on going shopping before I pick up Adley tomorrow. Although I’m half tempted to ask my mom to pick her up again. This story is consuming me in the best way, and I need to finish it.

Hudson’s back door opens. “Hey.”

I groan because if this has to do with Adley not liking Theresa, I don’t feel like dealing with it. At least until after this book is done.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“Where were you?”

I’m not sure when he started caring so much where I was. “Working.”

“Are you going to Brewed Awakenings or something now?” He lifts his wrist as if to check the time on his watch.

“I’m just…” I’ve never kept a secret from him, and I debate telling him. But I like having this place to myself, and I don’t want to ruin my mojo. “I’ll tell you later.”

“Were you with Matt?”

I blink, surprised by his question or why he thinks I’d keep that from him. “No. Why?”

He shakes his head. “Sorry. It’s none of my business.”

I don’t say anything because he’s right. I’m not asking him intimate details about him and Theresa.

“Your mom made spaghetti. Want some?”

My stomach clenches at the offer, making the decision for me. I walk over, thinking I’ll just take some to go, but when I walk into his kitchen, I see that won’t be the case. He has two plates out and a fresh batch of garlic bread on the table.

“Your mom left a loaf to make for you,” he says, after seeing my quizzical look at what appears like a setup for a date.

“You didn’t eat with Adley, how come? Are you trying to butter me up?”

He laughs. “No, why?”

I tilt my head. “What is all this, Hudson?”

“I do this all the time when you have a tight deadline.” He scoops two big helpings of spaghetti onto the plates.

He definitely wants something.

“No, you keep Adley a little more over at your place and leave food on my counter for me to eat when I take a break. This”—I put my hand out—“is not what usually happens. The last time you did something like this was when you wanted to start Adley on the snowboard.”

He bites his lip to keep him from smiling because he knows I’m right. The look is sexy as hell, and my libido goes into overdrive, which is weird. God, it’s got to be because I’ve had such a long dry spell. I really should call Matt back.