He squirms, and now it’s my turn to laugh.

“Yes, but it doesn’t work like that,” I say.

“What I want to know is about that position they had sex in. I’m not sure I can get my hips in that position. I had one replaced a decade ago, you know. Will you show us what exactly you were describing?” Alice asks, and Gilbert smiles widely at her.

No. No. No. This is my worst nightmare coming true.

Alice stands and gets into the position I wrote in my book. When the heroine was bent over the couch and had one leg up so he could get deeper into her. “My hips don’t go like that, but your description of how deep?—”

“Okay.” I stop all the conversation and take a breath. “You’re only focusing on the sex and not the love story.”

“The sex was the only good part,” Melvin says. “No offense.”

I purse my lips. “Fine. You want to see it? Here is it!” I grab Hudson and drag him over so we’re next to Alice. I bend forward over the table and raise my leg so my knee is resting on the table. “Grind me.”

“Um…no,” Hudson says with a look of horror.

I take his hand and place it on my hip. “Just give them what they want so we can get out of here.”

He steps closer to me, and Alice stands to get a closer look, Gilbert joining her.

“If I do this, I cannot guarantee my reaction.” Hudson tilts his head, warning me.

“Just do it. I want to get out of here,” I whisper.

He comes in behind me and places his hands on my hips, grinding his pelvis into my ass.

“In the book, he grabbed her hair and pulled her head back,” a woman in the audience calls.

“Pull my hair.”

“Palmer, this is out of control.” But Hudson winds my long hair around his fist, careful with my cochlear implants.

“This is it,” I say loudly enough for all of them to hear.

“But our hips…” Alice complains again.

I lower my leg. “Just bending and widening the legs will be practically the same.”

I go into that position.

“I tap out,” Hudson says, stepping back.

“And he’s not her muse.” Melvin guffaws. “I knew that whole ‘my car is broken down’ thing was bullshit the other day.” He points, and everyone looks to where Hudson is trying to adjust himself.

Hudson gives me a well-deserved death glare, and I nibble the inside of my cheek. Jean looks as though she’s going to cry, and I’m about to join her for many different reasons.

I didn’t notice Leeann at the back of the room, but she claps to draw everyone’s attention. “This has been enlightening. There are refreshments on the table. Alice tells me that Palmer and Hudson have agreed to stick around for any private questions.”

Wait, what?

“Are book club meetings usually sex lessons?” Hudson asks. “You owe me huge for tonight.”

Hudson is the least of my problems because I’ll pay him back with tons of sex, and he’ll be fine. My bigger problem is Melvin is walking toward me, pulling out a piece of paper.

“I’m gonna go get a cookie,” Hudson says, but I grab his shirt and tug him back.

“You can eat my cookie later. You’re staying.”

“Want to give them a lesson on eating out?” Hudson asks and laughs.

“I saw this online, should I buy it? Do you have one?” Melvin asks when he reaches us, and he hands Hudson the piece of paper.

He unfolds it, and it’s a printout of an ad for a penis enlarger.

“Jesus,” Hudson says and eyes me.

Yeah, I owe him big.