He came in and smiled at Bea, his gaze falling to her stomach. She felt his love for their child grow with every inch she grew. He’d place his hand on her stomach sometimes when they were watching television. He talked to her stomach and played music to it. At times, Bea felt jealous of the attention because, until this point, she had been Pete’s sole focus.

But she’d ruined her chance with Pete. Her fears had kept her from taking the chance of being with him. Now, this little girl who kicked her endlessly was priority number one. She needed a mom and a dad who loved one another and didn’t hurt her with their drama and issues. Bea could not afford to complicate their situation any further than it already was.

“Hey, what’s this?” Pete took in the table and looked at her quizzically.

She could admit she didn’t do nearly as much as she should for Pete. “I got us dinner.”

He didn’t say anything right away, but his smile dropped. “What is it, Bea? Is she okay?”

There was honest fear darkening his eyes. She couldn’t hold off anymore.

“I want to move back to my hometown.” She ripped off the Band-Aid, and his fearful look transformed into misery. Her heart missed a beat as she waited for him to respond.

“When do you want us to move?” he asked.

Yeah, she’d made a big mistake last year when she’d friend-zoned him. Pete was a catch, and she had been stupid enough to let him slip through her fingers. But at least she knew she’d always have him in her life now that they’d share parenting duties. Not ideal, but at least she didn’t have to give up the one person who knew her best and accepted all her faults. That was hard to come by.

I scroll a little more, and the character Bea returns home and surprises her family with the news of her being pregnant.

This is our story.

I listen again and still hear Palmer talking to Alice and some other people. God knows who.

She’s writing our story, and if it’s true, that means Palmer felt the same way Bea did. This entire time, I thought she didn’t have any feelings for me. That this revelation we’d come to was all new to her, but has she loved me the same way I have her all this time?

I can’t help but grieve the time lost but hope springs out of that grief. We’re not going to lose any more time with this wishy-washy crap. What I have in mind is bold, but this time, I’m not going to shy away from what I want with Palmer.