
I blink to make sure I’m not seeing things, but it wouldn’t be the first time he’s rescued me when I didn’t realize I needed saving. Did Hudson somehow realize that I should be writing my book and not be on a date?

“What are you doing here?” I ask.

“I have the same question,” Matt chimes in, and Hudson and I turn in his direction.

“Is it Adley? Is everything okay?” I ignore Matt, but I’m pretty sure if it was her, Hudson would’ve called and not just shown up.

He looks at Matt. “I’m sorry.” Then he bends down again and takes my hands. “This might sound crazy, and if I’m in this alone, then so be it, but Palmer…”

I swallow past the dryness in my throat. Why does this feel like a proposal or something? But that’s ridiculous. Neither of us believes you need a marriage license to spend your life with someone.

I stare at him, because I should be able to see the intention in his eyes. He’s always been transparent to me, but right now, I’m confused.

“And here’s the entrée…oh shit.” Linus stands next to the table with another server holding out two plates. Linus’s eyebrows raise when he sees Hudson crouched down next to me.

“Well, at least I’m getting a good meal,” Matt says as the server places his dish in front of him.

She does the same for me, and Linus stands there frozen, apparently not sure what to do.

Hell, I don’t know what to do.

Matt picks up his fork and digs into his meal.

“Lately, these feelings…” Hudson trails off again. He’s got that nervousness he gets when he’s trying to be open with me. Like a shelter dog who looks like he wants you to pet him but can’t trust you yet. Maybe he needs to hear that.

“What is it? It’s me.” I squeeze his hand.

He nods a few times as if he’s silently convincing himself to speak whatever it is he came here for. “I don’t want you on a date with Matt. I don’t want you to sleep with him.”

“Mission accomplished,” Matt grumbles over his mouthful of food.

“I don’t want to sleep with Matt either,” I confess.

“Great. What a perfect date,” Matt says, sarcasm loaded in his words.

“What about Theresa?”

Hudson shakes his head. “We broke up.”

My shoulders sink. “I’m sorry.” I wasn’t always her biggest fan, but he seemed to really like her for a while.

A smile tips his lips. “You’re not understanding…we broke up because I want you.”

The air whooshes from my lungs. My heart flips, and my stomach feels as if a million little tumblers are inside. “Oh.”

“You could’ve told me, man,” Matt interrupts.

I want to put up my hand and shush Matt. But I’m still processing the fact that my best friend sees me more as than a friend and might be having some of the same feelings I’ve had lately.

Hudson turns to Matt. “I’m sorry, man. I never thought…I mean…”

“Yeah, I suspected I should’ve just stayed away. I knew it on the hill the other day.” He shoves another forkful of food into his mouth.

“I was still figuring it out.”

He chuckles and leans back, swallowing his food. “It’s all good, man. I’d never would’ve stepped in if you’d said anything.” He wipes his mouth with the napkin, picks up his wineglass and downs the rest, then stands. “I’m gonna head out. You two…well…” He looks at both of us. “Good luck.”