Adley sits on the couch watching her favorite movie about characters that are elements falling in love. I shouldn’t be surprised she loves a movie that’s romance-based. Her mom is the same.

My attention falls to Adley’s lap, then shifts to Harper. Adley has an entire bowl of microwave popcorn in her lap. Her butter-covered fingers dig into the bowl, then push a handful of kernels into her mouth.

“Adley, be careful, you’ll choke,” I say.

Harper laughs. “So overprotective.” She thumbs in my direction, looking at Matt as if he doesn’t know who she’s talking about.

“Why don’t you give her a small bowl?”

“Hey, it’s my night with her. I’m the babysitter. You go do whatever you’re doing. Go do Theresa.”

“Yes, you’re the babysitter, not the parent. There are rules babysitters have to adhere to.” My gaze shifts to Palmer. Matt’s hands are on the small of her back. They’re hugging. Who hugs at the start of a date?

“I think I hear Theresa calling you,” Harper says, putting her hand on the outside of her ear. “She says she’ll do anal if you hurry.”

“Harper!” Palmer turns to her with wide eyes.

At least she’s out of Matt’s arms now. Never thought I’d thank Harper for anything.

Harper covers Adley’s ears. “She isn’t paying attention, and she doesn’t know what anal means.”

“So you say it twice.” I frown and shake my head.

“I covered her ears.”

“And that solves the problem?”

“Okay, we’re heading out,” Palmer says while signing.

“Hey, man.” Matt fist bumps me then scurries after Palmer, placing his hand on the small of her back to guide her out the front door.

I don’t realize I’m watching them through the window until a throat clears behind me.

Stripping my gaze away, I find Harper laughing on the couch. Adley stares at her as if she’s crazy—probably because the movie isn’t at a funny part.

Disregarding Adley, Harper stands and pats me on the back. “I give you a lot of credit.”


“I’m not sure I could watch it all like you are,” she says, walking toward the kitchen.

“Watch what?” I follow her.

“Watch the person you want to be with leave with another man. A man she’s probably going to fuck tonight. A man she’ll probably get naked with and let him lick her entire body.”

I choke on the bile rising up my throat. “You have such a way with words, Harper. How come you’re not a writer too?” I grumble.

She shrugs. “I’m just saying. You’re losing the best thing in your life.”

I turn to look through the window at the driveway again, but all I see is Matt’s rental drive off with Palmer in it. Am I so transparent that Harper sees what’s eating me up inside?

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

She grabs a water and leans against the fridge. “Okay then.”

I want to bombard her with questions about whether she thinks Palmer wants me too. If we’ve been stupid all these years, keeping a friendship alive when we could be so much more. But movement in my peripheral has me turning to see Theresa pulling into my driveway.

My heart sinks.