I’m not sure I’m feeling anything with Matt. He’s hot and all, and I wouldn’t mind sleeping with him, but my life doesn’t have room for anyone right now. Priority one is Adley, and priority two is getting this book finished.

We say goodbye to my parents and all head to Hudson’s truck. I secure Adley in the car seat, then I sit on one side of her in the back and Matt sits on the other side. Theresa is up front with Hudson, and I watch her reach for his hand during the drive.

It shouldn’t bother me. I’ve seen them be affectionate before. I’ve seen them kiss, so why does them holding hands feel like a gut punch? Adley grabs my hand as if she feels the same pain I do, but in reality, I’m sure she’s sleepy. And probably wondering why Hudson and I were arguing since we don’t normally do that in front of her.

I glance at Adley, and she has a small smile on her face, but her eyes are drooping. Oh, my sweet baby girl.

We pull into Hudson’s driveway, and I remove Adley from the car seat and hold her.

“Hey, Palm?” Matt says.

It’s weird to hear him use a shortened version of my name. Rarely does anyone do that except for Hudson every now and then. I turn to Matt before walking to my house.

“I’m gonna get going.” He thumbs over his shoulder, and I see an Uber pulling up. He could’ve just stayed at the hospital and left from there.

“Okay, sorry about tonight.” I walk over to him as Adley becomes limp in my arms, finally losing the battle with sleep.

“No worries.”

“Here, I’ll take her up,” Hudson comes over and takes Adley from me. “I’ll put her to bed.”

I nod, and although I really want to follow him, I need to talk to Matt. I walk him over to the Uber, and it surprises me when he raises his hands—since we haven’t used much sign language tonight. He must want to keep this from Theresa’s prying ears.

I’m sorry to leave, but I have to train early in the morning, and I know you want to be with Adley.

I follow his lead and sign back. Yeah, about…

He shakes his head. I know, but I’m going to be selfish and ask you to give me one more chance. An actual uninterrupted date?

I sigh. I have a lot on my plate right now.

He puts one finger up in the air. Just one date at the lodge.

Well, I guess now I know what he wants, and it’s not a relationship. It’s been a long time since I’ve been with anyone. Maybe a hook-up will get all these annoying thoughts about Hudson and Theresa out of my head. At least Matt will be leaving town soon. Okay.

His smile glows under the streetlight. I’ll text you.

I nod.

He steps forward, kisses me on the cheek, and says in my ear, “Good night, Palmer.”

Good night.

He slides into his Uber, and it drives down the street. I turn to head back into the house, but I spot Theresa still standing by Hudson’s truck. She’s acting as if she wasn’t looking at us, but we both know she was. Now I think I know for sure why Matt was signing instead of talking.

“You can come in if you’d like,” I tell her on the way to my house.

“No, I’ll just wait for Hudson here. I’m sure he won’t be long.”

I nod and head into my house. I slip off my shoes and shrug off my jacket. As I walk up the stairs, I hear Hudson talking in Adley’s room, so I quiet my steps. I’m a sucker when it comes to watching him read Adley a book at night.

“Will you be here in the morning?” Adley asks him. She must have woken up once he tried to put her in bed. She’s never been an easy kid to move from one place to another when she’s sleeping.

I stand with my back to the wall outside her door.

“No, I’ll be at my house, but I’ll come over and have some of the donuts your grandma is bringing over if Mommy says it’s okay.”

“Why can’t you sleep with Mommy?”