“I’m just saying, this was your night. She should’ve been with you, not your mom.”

She stops in the hallway for a moment and tugs on my jacket sleeve. “What the fuck, Hudson? You’re giving me shit about going on a date?”

“I’m not giving you shit about going on a date. It’s that we’re here when she should’ve been with you. Schedule your dates on your days off parenting Adley.”

She makes this sound as though I’m unbelievable and stomps forward.

“I’m just saying.” I walk beside her.

Her head whips in my direction. “You know how many times over the years I’ve taken your nights so you could go out?”

“If you wanted to go out with Matt, why didn’t you ask me?”

She shakes her head. “This was an accident, Hudson. That’s all. It has nothing to do with who was watching her. So what if I wanted to go out, and my parents wanted some time with their granddaughter?”

I shake my head. “Your parents always want to take her somewhere fun.”

“Sue them. They’re her grandparents!”

We reach the room, and Palmer walks through the door before me. Her mom stands from the chair next to the bed Adley’s little body is tucked into. Her dad stops pacing to look at us.

“Mommy! Daddy! Cherry!” Adley is all smiles and holds up a popsicle as her red lips grin. The first thing I notice are the stitches along her forehead and the side of her head.

“Hey, kiddo, how are you?” I walk to the side of the bed and kiss the part of her forehead that isn’t injured.

“What happened?” Palmer grabs Adley’s hand and looks at her mom.

“She was playing with some other kids at that indoor park at the mall. One kid went down the fire pole, and she followed. I was screaming for her not to, but I couldn’t get to her in time.” Sedona, Palmer’s mom, starts to cry, and Palmer’s dad, Jamison, puts his arm around his wife.

“It was just an accident,” he says.

“Gran’ma!” Adley says. “Don’t cry.”

“Mom, Dad’s right, it was just an accident.” Palmer stares at me when she says it.

“Yeah, Sedona. Coulda happened to anyone,” Jamison says.

Allie Greene walks into the room and puts on hand sanitizer. She’s Palmer’s aunt’s best friend and works as a nurse here at the hospital. “Oh good, you guys are here. The doctor was looking at the scans, and he’ll be in shortly.” She stands at the end of the bed. “I’m glad I was here.”

“I’m so happy you are too.” Palmer smiles.

“As long as the scans are clear, Adley here is good to go.”

Just then a doctor walks into the room, and Palmer’s eyebrows raise because the guy is good-looking and young.

“Hello, I’m Dr. Michaels.”

Palmer smiles and waves.

“I assume you’re the parents?”

Palmer nods.

“Yes,” I say.

“Well, Adley’s scans came back, and it all looks good. She did have to get a number of stitches, which will need to be taken out in a week or two depending on how she’s healing. And Allie is going to give you some information on things to look out for over the next couple of days. If you notice any of them, bring her right back.”

Palmer nods. Even Sedona can’t stop staring at this guy.