“That’s divorce, Hudson. Most divorced people don’t like each other.”

I think she’s wrong. I’ve met plenty of divorced people who can be civil for the kid’s sake. “I don’t plan on changing anything with our arrangement.”

She sighs and picks up her fork as if it bothers her. “I’m well aware.”

Silence. Neither of us say anything until we finish our meal, and the waiter asks us if we want a box for the pizza. I pay the bill, pick up the box of pizza, and lead Theresa back to my truck.

“Whose house are we going to stay at tonight?” she asks.

I hate the fact that I want to drop her off at her house and go home alone. It’s not her fault my head is a mess right now. Excuses fill my brain, but she’ll see through each one. We haven’t had any alone time lately and haven’t had sex in weeks.

“Mine?” I ask because then I can find out if Palmer asked her mom to watch Adley again. Shit. That’s none of my business. I shake my head. “Never mind, let’s go to yours.”

A wide smile forms on her face. “Great.”

“If you wanted to go to your place, why did you give me a choice?”

She shrugs, putting on her seat belt. “You always want to be at your house, and this way I have you all to myself.” She leans over the center console and puckers her lips.

I bend forward, give her a chaste kiss, then face forward and start the truck.

She grabs my hand. This is what I need. A night with Theresa will clear my head, take it off whatever Palmer is doing and back to where it should be. We drive through the streets of Lake Starlight to the downtown residential area and pull up at Theresa’s small white house with black shutters. I park in her small driveway and remove my seat belt. I’m about to turn off the ignition when my phone rings over the Bluetooth in my car.

Palmer’s name flashes on the screen.

Theresa stares at me, but I press accept. “Hey, what’s up?”

“Hudson.” Her voice is panicked, and it’s clear she’s upset. “It’s Adley. She was at that indoor park place with my mom, and she fell off the platform.”

“Is she okay?” I put the truck in reverse and strap my seat belt back on as I’m moving backward.

“She’s at the hospital. I’m driving there right now. Thank God my aunt Stella’s best friend, Allie, is working.”

“Are you sure you can drive? I’ll come get you,” I say, hearing her crying. I do not need her to get into an accident.

She’s quiet for a moment, then a deep voice speaks. “I’m driving. She’s good. We’ll meet you there.”


So, she was with Matt. She had her mom watch Adley so she could go on a date.

“Good. We’ll see you in a few minutes,” Theresa says and clicks the end call button because I’m stunned.

I’m not sure if that’s the first time Theresa’s ever heard Palmer speak, but if it is, she doesn’t remark on it. I’m surprised Palmer was speaking in front of Matt. Either she’s comfortable enough with him that she hasn’t been using sign language all night, or she was so panicked she didn’t think to text me rather than calling.

I drive to the hospital on autopilot and fly into a parking spot, turning off the ignition and rushing toward the emergency room entrance.

Theresa walks fast beside me, trying to keep up with my strides.

We run into Palmer and Matt at the nurses’ station. She’s already informing them who we are.

The nurse looks up at us. “All four of you can’t go back. I’ll allow two.” She puts up her fingers.

There’s no question, it’s Palmer and me. She buzzes us in and tells us which room to go to.

“I don’t understand, why was she with your mom?” I ask as soon as we’re on the other side of the doors.

Palmer glances at me. “Excuse me?”