I sign, Is Theresa moving in?

“God no. Why would you ask that?”

My head rocks back, surprised by his quick denial. Maybe because she’s your girlfriend, and I’ve noticed she’s over here a lot.

“Yeah, I guess I get why you asked, but I’m not ready for that.”

I decide to keep it to myself that I’m sure Theresa is ready for it. Sometimes Hudson lives in LaLa Land and is the last to realize what others around him already have. Then what is this all about?

We both sit at the table in front of our plates before he says, “Our daughter.”

“What about her?” I pick up my fork because I’m about to eat my right arm.

“She wants to know why we don’t sleep in the same bed and if we’re divorced. I think we’ve come to the age where she realizes our situation is different, and she doesn’t understand.”

My stomach suddenly sours, even as hungry as I am, and I put my fork down and sit back in my chair. We all knew eventually it was coming, although in this day and age, there are so many family dynamics you could fool yourself into thinking that the old-school typical family isn’t the norm anymore. But here we are.

“Did you explain it to her?”

He finishes chewing and buys himself some time by sipping his water.


“I tried. She’s like a little Barbara Walters.”

I laugh. It’s true. Our daughter doesn’t give up easily when she wants to figure out something. It isn’t hard to figure out Hudson’s ulterior motive now. “And this dinner is so I’ll talk to her?”

“I just…”

“I’ll make you a deal—we can talk to her together.” I nod toward the fridge, which is now missing the drawing of pissed-off Theresa. “The drawing spurred this?”

“It spurred me asking her. I was caught off guard.”

I pick up my fork again and spin it. “Okay, I guess we have no choice but to go at this together. It’s parenting, right? Just give me until tomorrow night.”

“Why then?” he asks.

“Because I have plans.”

He sits back and crosses his arms. “What kind of plans? You’ve been secretive lately.”

“I have a book to finish. I’ve been writing.”

“But not at home?”

“No, not at home.” I bury my head in my plate.

Thankfully he lets the topic go, but I’m not sure how long I can hold him off. Adley got her perseverance from her father after all.