
Matt texted that he’d be waiting up by the halfpipe for me rather than meeting me in the lodge. Which means one of two things. One, he isn’t looking to hook up with anyone, and his mind is only on snowboarding. Or two, he already knows who he wants to hook up with.

I take my board to meet him, and I’m not surprised when I arrive, and a bunch of locals are cheering him on as he does his run. Probably half the reason he wanted to come here is for an ego boost. I’m sure it works—if people thinking you’re a big deal makes you think you are too.

I rest my board in the snow and sit, waiting for him to come back up. I missed his first two tricks, but all the locals can’t stop saying how awesome he was.

“Remember, he’s been doing this a long time. Don’t attempt any stupid shit,” I remind them since a lot of them here are novices.

“Such a buzzkill, Hudson. We’re not stupid.”

I nod. “Well, I just wanted to say it in case anyone was feeling adventurous.”

When Matt gets back to the top of the mountain, he smacks hands and smiles at their praises. One thing I’ve wondered about over the past few years is whether I would be as fearless as he is. You have to be in order to be successful in this profession. I tell myself I quit because of Adley, but it could be I never had the guts.

Matt plops down beside me. “What did you think?”

“I missed the first two tricks, but you got a lot of height on that last one.”

“Yeah, I’ve got an extra pep in my step today. If I could’ve come out here last night after dinner, I would’ve…” He picks up some snow and tosses it in the air.

“Tofu stir fry or chocolate cake does it for you?”

“More like a cute brunette.”

My gut twists. I should’ve known.

“Adley? I know she’s cute, right? She’s got my blood, so what did you expect?” I laugh, but Matt stares at me because he obviously wants to have this conversation.

This isn’t the first time I’ve had to have the “are you sure” conversation with a friend. My only problem with Matt is that I know he’s not looking for anything more than sex, and Palmer says the same, but I worry about her getting hurt.

“Go ahead,” I say, not wanting to delay this any further.

“Is there something between you two?” Matt asks, staring me in the eye.

Although I don’t spend a lot of time with Matt anymore, I know him, and he would never cross the line if I asked him not to. I could be honest and say that I didn’t like seeing the two of them together. So much so, it caused a fight with Theresa.

My phone buzzes in my pocket. “Hold on.”

Pulling it out of my pocket, I take off my glove and put in my password. It’s from Palmer.

Holy shit! I just had the best writing day I’ve had in over a year. Maybe it’s Matt like you said. I forgot how good it feels.

Anyway, see you in a couple hours. Going to get some writing in during her nap time.

That’s awesome! I knew it would come eventually. You’ll have to tell me about it when you drop Adley off.

There’s no answer, which doesn’t surprise me because that’s Palmer. When the words are flowing, she goes into her writing cave, only poking her head out occasionally.

“Theresa?” Matt asks.

I pocket my phone and put my glove back on. “Palmer. She had a good writing day today.”

Matt smiles. “That’s good. She told me she was going to call her editor today and accept defeat.”

I nod. “Guess not anymore. Anyway, it’s fine. You can ask her out. She’s Adley’s mom, and we’re best friends, but that’s where it ends for us. We’ve never been romantically involved, except for the night we conceived Adley.”

“So, I can pursue her?”